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Help with the layout of this t-shirt quilt...

7 years ago

I would like it to be about lap quilt size, but it's turning out more square (currently about 4.5' wide and 4'long . These are t-shirts from a friend who is a marathon runner and these are from her Disney marathons over the years (very impressive!!). The smaller pieces are from the sleeves, which are all different and I think should be part of the quilt. My dd helped me arrange this and like the idea of the sleeve part being next to the front of the shirt. There are 2 t-shirts where I'm using the front and the back. She is looking for some cute Disney fabric to use for sashing (unless you guys have seen something that would work??).

Anyhow, any suggestions on arrangement????? Maybe put the sleeve part under the front of the shirt part? I'm really bad at this part!


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