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Trade list / wish list/ giveaway list, for Raleigh spring swap 2017

There ya go!!

Start your collections and make a list..

Triangle John ( one runs this swap thing, successfully for many many years!!) has posted the date for spring 2016.

so,... here it is.. start posting, the plant material to trade, giveaway, acquire, etc.

It can be plants, pods, vines, fruits, vegetables, herbs, cuttings rooted/ non rooted, bare root, seeds, tubers journal books magazines etc. pertaining to gardening, Containers, ... you get the picture.

Do not hesitate to bring anything you have extra.. even if you feel you had brought it in the earlier swaps and no one looked at it..They are always a few new faces. moreover, some may have lost it to the icy blasts this winter. I know I lost some fruit trees :-((

We always have more than enough plants and many people who adopt castaway plants.. I am one of them.. I have adopted a cactus too!! ...

I will post a food list later!!

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