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Zone 8 gardener, new to winter sowing, has questions

Hello! I have been reading this forum for about a year and have been eagerly awaiting a chance to winter sow some seeds. I placed a seed order last week with Park Seed and bought several packets at Lowe's this past weekend on impulse. I have been saving clear, plastic bakery containers to use as my planters. I used a heated awl to make holes in the top and bottom of the containers. What I am planning to ws are some old coneflower, shasta daisy, and rudbeckia seeds (just to get rid of them) some artic ice dianthus, velvet 'n lace dianthus, gaillardia goblin, dark purple mustard, red mustard, and various snapdragons. I know snapdragons are considered annuals, but they often survive winter here. Which leads to my first question, when should I plant my seeds? It was very cold this week with lows in the 20s, but temps are on the rise and this weekend will have highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s and it looks like it will stay that way for a while. I am planning to place my containers on the north wall of our storage shed which is also in the shade of a large live oak tree, so the seeds won't see any sun until they are moved. Does that sound like a good location? I noticed that many of you use potting soil to plant your seeds. Currently, I am using left over seed-starter mix from last spring, but I will need more planting mix soon. Is there a particular type of potting soil I should try to find? Finally, to help prevent damping off, should I sprinkle cinnamon on the top of the soil at planting time or wait until I see sprouts? Thank you!

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