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100% cotton, do not bleach. Why? Why? Why?

7 years ago

I know there has been a 1000 posts about sheets. But I don't remember this being addressed. I want white sheets, 100% cotton I can bleach. DIdn't we all bleach white sheets years ago?

I bought a set of white pillowcases today to test to see if I like the feel etc. I can always use more pillowcases. You can't get to the actual product anymore due to those little shoplifter things in the zipper of the bag. So when I got the pillowcases open at home, the little tag says "cold water wash, no bleach". Are you kidding me? Why? They are 100% cotton and white. Does anyone have an answer to this? Do you bleach them anyway? IS the cotton so poor that holes will immediately fall into them?

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