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Friends of Vintage Roses newsletter...SAVE THE ROSES!

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

For those who don't already receive it, the latest newsletter from from FOVR is out. IF you're not a supporting Friend already, you should really consider a donation. It's possibly (probably) the most important collection of antique roses in the USA, and their care is funded entirely by donations. Right now there is an URGENT need of donations via Generosity/Indiegogo to save their collection of old Euro roses from an invasion of the Himalayan Blackberry. This scourge has almost instantaneously overtaken a half acre of plantings, with many one-of-a-kind roses threatened with extinction. FOVR is a 100% tax-deductible non-profit organization. Please consider helping out if you can.


Winter 2016 FOVR Newsletter

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