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Need Advice About Rose Beds

I have grown roses for years, but I have several beds that are giving me problems. These are large open beds, not narrow that can be easily weeded from each side. Soil is good - I have topdressed it yearly with aged compost [I have horses]. I continue to have a weed problem. Right now, I have only a few roses in each of these 3 problem beds - have moved most of them into pots until I can get this figured out. The weeds take over and get away from me and it becomes impossible to keep up with it. Before I put any roses back in these beds, I want to try to get a plan formulated. I have seen photos of large free form beds, the roses are quite big and there are no weeds [that I can see]. I had thought of circling each rose I plant with fairly large landscaping rocks - mulching around it well, then really putting thick mulch in between these roses. Right now, I have weed eated the bare beds to the ground - plan to spray roundup on the unplanted areas - but not sure where to go from there. I want to do it right this time, and get a good plan before I start planting. Thought about taking a section of bed at a time, getting it perfectly in order before moving on. I have roses planted along a fence line - I have topdressed these individual roses with compost then topped with mulch - they are doing great - I weed eat in between the roses so no weed problem there. Its just the beds that are giving me fits. Any thoughts, advice or photos would be appreciated!


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