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Many of my neighbours have had sewage problems, now what should I do?

8 years ago


The street where I live is shaped like a "J" and is about a kilometre long, and was built in several phases, from the early 80's to early 90's.

Over the last year, about 4 or 5 houses in the curve of the J, the oldest portion of the street, have had their basements flooded and their sewer line replaced. My house was built about 5-6 years after the ones with sewer problems, and it is about 450-500 metres from the trouble houses. There are not too many trees in the neighbourhood, and most of them are relatively young and not of troublesome species.

However, when leaving to work today, I noticed there's a plumber at my second neighbour's house, and they have an old bathroom vanity and some old drywall and 2x4's on the curb. Could be he's simply renovating his bathroom, but it could also be more severe.

Other than not keeping any valuables in the basement, having a backflow trap installed and reviewing my insurance policy, is there something I should do to be proactive? Could a plumber with an inspection camera tell me if there are problems to come?

So far I don't have any problems with my sewer, but I don't want to go through a sewer disaster if it can be prevented. Thanks.

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