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Need some advice please

In early summer I repotted a brug into a large sized pot that I had bought a tree in. It grew well over the summer and became a nice size although it didn't flower. It got a couple of light Frost's before I was able to bring it in. Before bringing it in I cut it back to about two feet. I put it in the exact spot where it overwintered last year. When I checked on it yesterday it had a lot of white fluffy mold on several places especially at the base of the stem where it branches out and on each end of the stem where it was cut. I wiped off the mold with a paper towel and alcohol but am wondering if I should also cut the stems back little bit. Is there something else I should have done instead of using the alcohol? The stems where I wiped off the mold have black on them that doesn't seem to wipe off. :(

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