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Hoya peduncles, how long do they take to mature?

7 years ago

I was wondering how long it takes for a Hoya's peduncle to reach flowering size? Or is it dependent on different conditions or species?

My H. bella has grown all these little peduncles over the last year but they haven't grown any longer than a few millimetres. She is currently sprouting new growth everywhere so I wondered if she was putting all her energy into leaves instead.

Also, just before Winter my H. kerrii grew a teeny wee peduncle as well! It too is just a couple of millimetres long and in the last month or two the plant has shot up, grown a new pair of leaves and another little peduncle!

So can I expect flowers in this growing season? Will it take a few years for them to get to any blooming size? It's Spring here in Aus, if that helps?

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