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Could you help me with the ID of this hot pink noisette, maybe china?

8 years ago

People have recommended I post this on this forum instead (It was in the Name that rose forum). I had posted a link to it in here before so I hope I'm not being obnoxious posting this now.

I just copied the whole thing but will add some new pics in the comments. If you have any questions, please ask.

In case you want to read the comments made there, here's a link. Some popular guesses were Fellemberg and Old Blush, but the foliage is different of both, much more elongated. Comtessedelacouche thinks it could be some sport, seedling, or variation of OB. I see how that could play since some pics of the blooms and hips look identical on hmf.


Hi, all! This grows in a local park, kinda big, 3 meters tall, maybe. It gets shade in the afternoons. I have no idea of how old it could be.

If I recall correctly, it is scented, but lightly, not like anything in particular that I could tell.

Hope you can appreciate the bristles, there, by the left of the pic, also on the next one.

Buds, notice the very elongated leaves, too.

I was pretty amused by the foliage, actually, had it not been for the flowers I would've thought it was a very bushy peach from a distance.

Makes hips VERY easily, had a lot of them, they're orange. You can see another one getting kinda wrinkly by the background, it is a darker shade of orange, but orange nonetheless.

A less ripe one, sorry that it is out of focus, I tried really hard to get a good pic but my camera wasn't having it. The shape is pretty unusual i think, they're like teeny kiwifruits, so you get the idea.

Another bloom pic, they have a pretty romantic feel to them. Also check the fine, uniform veining, it seems to come on with age. Around the flowers the canes are mostly smooth, farther away quite bristly, but not exaggeratedly so. they seemed uniform in shape.

Hope you can help and thanks for taking a look!

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