UV oil finish hardwood floors: cleaning and maintenance?
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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How do you clean your hardwood kitchen floors? (X-posted on cleaning)
Comments (6)My hardwood floors are probably filthy, but look really good. I have them throughout the first floor. I sweep them daily, and run the occasional Swiffer WetJet on the kitchen portion of the floor in front of the sink, dishwasher and stove. I have tried a lot of things when mopping, and found that I prefer to use hot, HOT water and a damp rag mop once a month to get them really clean. I often have to refill the water, as it is black during this cleaning. Should probably do it more often, but I don't have the time....See MoreHardwood help,looking for a matt finish floor, oil or Poly, Help?
Comments (9)Ok....here's the *issues with matte poly - they are SUPER HARD to live with!!!!! They are even HARDER TO LIVE WITH if you choose a DARK FLOOR! Ohhhh dear. As handsome as the Pompeii Lipari is, it will be HELL to live with. And here's why: dark floors NATURALLY show dust (human skin cells make up 90% of all indoor dust; and most skin sluffs of LIGHT GRAY....). And your colour choice is dark. It is not a mid tone. It will read as "dark" in any space other than a box with windows on all 4 sides. So the DARK wood you have chosen will show dust (light gray film over everything) on a DAILY basis. Yes. Daily. Now for the matte finish. Matte finish is duller than SKIN OILS. Which means bare feet AND stocking feet will leave behind visible OIL MARKS. So will hand prints. And knee prints (even through blue jeans). And elbow prints (even through t-shirt material). And if animals are in the picture, dog's pads have plenty of oil on them....which will show up on the matte finish. Your beautiful floors will be a constant source of frustration. These are things a sale's person will not tell you. The dark floors are hard to live with. Period. Matte finished floors are hard to live with. Period. A dark floor finished in a matte will be HELL to live with. End of story. Personally I would look at a lighter floor (two steps lighter) with a satin finish. Satin is a close cousin to matte. It gives the same appearance as matte but without the oily prints. Splashed cooking oil will show up....but that is a GOOD thing! You want to be able to see the oil so that you can clean it up - it is a hazard on the floor. The skin oils will BLEND IN with satin. They are the same sheen level. The extreme colours (white or almost white; black or dark) are very hard to live with. The extreme gloss levels (matte or super matte; gloss or super gloss) are hard to live with. That's why MOST PEOPLE compromise and work with a mid-tone floor (two steps lighter than your choice) and satin or semi-gloss finishes. These compromises suit 90% of homeowners better than the extreme options. The extreme options SHOULD COME with their own LIVE-IN house keeper! Good luck. I would keep looking....See MoreTigerwood Exotic Hardwood - Which UV Oil to Choose?
Comments (4)The deck needs to be clean and dry before you apply the oil. DeckWise, the company that makes Ipe Oil, also makes a cleaner and brightener that works great. Here are DeckWise's instructions for preparing the deck and applying the oil, about halfway down the page: https://www.deckwise.com/ipe-oil-hardwood-finish.html...See MoreDoes anyone have experience with oil finish on engineered hardwood?
Comments (8)I installed Duchateau engineered wood floors with a hardwax oil finish in the house we built this past year. We moved in in January of this year and we have 3 dogs and we allow shoes in the house. I am really happy with the floors so far. I did chose an aged character hand sculpted floor, which I think is important if you want to hide some wear and scratches. A perfect smooth finish will show every tiny scratch, but a floor with some character will hide a lot more and make it easier to touch up those scratches so they blend in. So far we have only been doing regular vacuuming and a weekly mop cleaning with the cleaning products sold by the manufacturer. My plan is to use the oil refresh product once a year in the heavily used areas/rooms in the house. The great thing with the oil is that you don't have to do the whole space and can just move furniture out of one area/room at a time. Unlike a refresh coat of poly that has to be applied all at the same time. I looked at a lot of engineered wood floors while doing my research! I looked at Mirage, but did not like the plastic shine on their poly finishes. I also didn't like their medium brown stains as they seemed to have a slight purple tone to them. The other hardwax oil floor that I considered was from Legno Bastone. I really liked their specs with a well finished product and longer board lengths, but they didn't offer a rustic/character finish....See MoreRelated Professionals
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