Recommendations for modern wool carpet brands
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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Flat weave wool, cotton, kilim, dhurrie and shag rugs questions
Comments (13)I have purchased many flat weave Soumak rugs since building our new home. The thicker wools have been moved to bedrooms, although one guest room has a Soumak. There are several makers, and as someone stated above - some are thicker than others. DD2 just purchased a Surya rug for her bedroom. It is not quite as thick as mine, but fine for her bedroom. I do not know who made our great room rug - my favorite - as the local store I purchased it from removes the tags (can't go online to shop that way and compare prices!). The foyer, dining room and breakfast room rugs are by Kalaty and the guest room rug is by Loloi (tad thinner than Kalaty rugs). As they said above, pet hair does not show as much as regular wool rugs (MBR and another guest room rugs are Karastan - fur magnets) and what is there just doesn't seem to show. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. Kids are adults now, and I have two grandchildren. DD2 called me 3 days ago asking how to get cat vomit off her new rug (not the "food" kind, but more liquid). She blotted, while I drove over - 10 minutes. She did not have any of the Suyra rug cleaner, but we used Spot Shot and it got everything up - and her rug is gray and white. The painters were at my house, and one came down off the ladder. Thought he was at the floor, but had one more step. He stepped backwards and knocked over his soft drink (styrofoam w/lid). Some spilled and my first thought was crap, but it beaded up and wiped right up. I've bought the better rug pads to go under ours. Ordered DD2 from Amazon dealer. One for an 8x10 was less than $50. I would definitely use a rug pad. The rugs don't walk, but on hardwood, they can slip n slide. I have a central vacuum system and have always used my beater attachments on the rug (set on low pile). I just don't let it eat the edges/fringe. Here is a link that might be useful: My rugs...See Morewool (or wool blend) wall-to-wall carpeting
Comments (5)We have considered that, and should probably reconsider it before moving forward. I was firmly in the "all hardwood" camp when we had our house built (16 years ago) because that's what I was used to. My husband had always had carpet and felt strongly about wanting it in our bedrooms. We compromised, and have hardwood throughout our main floor and carpet upstairs (except for laundry and bathrooms). The transition is on the second half of our staircase, just after the landing. I absolutely HATE the carpet on the stairs (the cats sharpen their claws on it and I detest vacuuming it on the stairs). When we remove the original carpet, we have been planning to replace the carpet on the stairs and in the upstairs hallway with hardwood flooring, but to keep the bedrooms carpeted. I think I could convince my husband to hardwood our bedroom at this point, and I also think my son would be fine with hardwood and a nice area rug in his room. He sits on the floor a lot, but a rug with a plush pad works as well as carpeting for him. My daughter, on the other hand, really loves having the wall-to-wall carpet in her bedroom, and she also spends a lot of time on her floor doing homework and crafting. She doesn't even want us to replace her carpet though, so if I'm going to have to do battle anyway, maybe I should just go all the way. She thinks the wool isn't going to be as soft as the frieze, and doesn't care that the current carpet is old. Another thing that has/had me leaning toward wall-to-wall carpet is sheer laziness... The thought of having to tear out all the baseboards, especially in my daughter's room which has beadboard installed throughout the entire room above the baseboards, is a little daunting. I don't want to have to install quarter round, but we will probably have to figure something out to account for hardwood flooring not being as thick as padding and carpet. Maybe I'm making it out to be a bigger deal in my mind. In any case, thanks for the food for thought. I'm definitely going to consider it and talk it over with my husband. Ironically, I think I like the carpet in the bedrooms more than he does at this point. I like that the cats can lay in whichever carpeted sunbeam they want, and I think wool carpets are so pretty. I just don't want to install them and then regret it if they age horribly. Lots to think about......See MoreWool Rugs with Modern Designs
Comments (4)CB2, Crate & Barrel, Room & Board, Lulu and Georgia, ZGallerie, Rugs Direct, Annie Selke, All Modern … just to name a few....See MoreWool Carpet - do you have it? Do you like it?
Comments (20)I have not got wool wall-to-wall myself, but grew up with all wool wall to wall. It was very durable, held up under 5 kids and a couple of cats. Still,for a kids room I would say perhaps a room sized rug (can have the edges bound of the carpeting that you like) or even smaller (for ease of removal to clean). I have had several wool area rugs that were stained by kid's art supplies - marker, crayon, paint, nail polish etc. and have had good luck removing the stains using my favorite stain remover. When they got dirty enough overall, it was easy to take them outside on a sunny day, hang over the patio chairs, soap them up with rug cleaner, then rinse with the hose. - they get much cleaner than from a carpet machine (and you don't pull out half the fibers either) and dry pretty quickly in the sun. Word of warning - that only works with a loomed rug (ie woven into backing). Those rugs that are fibers glued to a backing will fall apart if gotten wet - & that includes using a carpet cleaning machine on them....See MoreRelated Professionals
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