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Kitchen Paint Color??

8 years ago

I am searching for the perfect greige paint color (I think). We have a really shady yard so our house is pretty dark....looking for a light greige paint I should say. Right now our kitchen is a pretty medium toned neutral-ish blue green with one bright teal accent wall. I'm sick of it. The floor is a beige vinyl tile, the cabinets are a warm dark stain. It needs some updating but we just can't afford to do much right now. Any advice? The pic I linked to this post is from a few years ago, the floor is now much lighter. Thanks!

Comments (55)

  • 8 years ago

    Thank you everyone for your comments and advice! I have switched my idea now to a creamy white-ish color. The one thing I am concerned about though is that with a cream floor, a white ceiling, a cream colored counter top and a cream colored fridge...will it be too much cream and white? Going to BM store soon to check out some swatches. I definitely don't want to commit to painting my cabinets anytime's just such a big chore and we have a baby. So there is barely time to paint the kitchen! So glad I stumbled upon this forum though because it's clear I am kind of clueless in this department. Now I can ask others for their advice. Thanks again.

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  • 8 years ago

    I have the paint chip of November rain and it is a pretty color.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes tibbrix I love love love rugs like that! My dad actually has one he is giving me as soon as he remembers to bring it was my grandmother's and pretty similar to those. I went to the BM store today and saw Capitol was just so white. I am scared it's going to make the kitchen look too white/sterile-ish. I got a sample of Manchester Tan and two others...they both looked kind of lavender/pinkish on the wall. Manchester Tan was definitely the winner of all three. Do you think it will be too dark? Started priming this afternoon during naptime...

  • 8 years ago

    The November Rain looks pretty...would be lighter than your current paint and still look good with the other creams you have. I totally understand not taking on cabinet painting with a baby. Looking forward to seeing your new paint.

  • 8 years ago

    I have a swatch of the Nov Rain and it looks a tinge green to me. I'm having a really hard time making a decision here! I need someone to come over and take a look in person and tell me what to do! lol. With all seriousness though...I am going to just keep priming and keep mulling over the color. I love the manchester tan but I keep seeing pictures of it with white trim and ours is dark stain along with the dark cabinets too...I'm afraid it will just look closed in.

  • 8 years ago



  • 8 years ago

    Balboa Mist is recommended with Dark Wood.

  • 8 years ago

    Thank you! I was watching the light today in my kitchen and it seriously has the ability to change so much! Morning til about 2 I get a good amount but after that it's very dark. I don't know if it will matter much what color I pick after 2 pm lol.

  • 8 years ago

    yep, at night and with the lights turned off-it really doesn't matter much LOL

    Pretty kitchen. I think whether you go with light greige, or linen, or warm white, or light gray(especially a tad greenish gray)-it all can work. But yes, look at your samples several times a day-say morning, noon, afternoon, and when the light is artificial..the only way to know how color X or color Y will behave. Pretty much impossible to predict it..

  • 8 years ago

    Hmmm...well at this point I know I sounds probably like a crazy lady but I picked up a swatch and sample of SW Sea Salt as someone suggested and it is actually really pretty! It's kind of similar toned (greenish) as what I had on the walls originally but WAY lighter. Thoughts?

  • 8 years ago

    Sea Salt is really pretty in bright light.

  • 8 years ago sound like all of us here..))))

  • 8 years ago

    tibbrix do you think it would look bad in dark light? I didn't hate the last color but I just think it's too saturated. We have good light only really in the morning and early afternoon. Rest of the day not so much. I hope I'm not bothering any of you with all my comments and questions!

  • 8 years ago

    I wouldn't use it in a low-light room.

    I think a warm neutral would be good in there. How about BM Wheeling Neutral? Also, Google paint colors for north-facing rooms.

    BM Wheeling Neutral

  • 8 years ago

    Not loving that color much...It looks too yellowish-brown to me

  • 8 years ago

    How about BM Soft Fern, then

  • 8 years ago

    Not sea salt bug here is healing aloe in no natural light and I think it is pretty.

  • 8 years ago

    Just to give you some updated with most of the lights on and one with most off. If that makes any difference whatsoever. My kitchen is torn apart right now...Sorry for the mess!

  • 8 years ago

    The other difference in those pics is the white primer on the walls. The white really brightens the room. I still like the idea of a warm white. But I think a soft green like soft fern or hockey mom's Healing Aloe would be nice. Sea Salt will get sucked up by the lack of light.

  • 8 years ago

    Cool good point. I think the primer is playing tricks on me right now because you can still see the greenish blue peeking through the white. Do you think I should do two coats? On the teal wall I definitely plan on doing at least one more.

  • 8 years ago

    Certainly can't hurt. You'll also have to do two coats of the paint you choose, but a second coat of primer will insure no need for a third coat of the good paint.

  • 8 years ago

    Honestly I would paint your choices on large poster boards as that is what a designer who my aunt in law used recommended and it is much easier to move around and catch the light. No need to prime so heavily.

    Good paints have no problems covering light over dark.

    this is what we covered with healing aloe and you can see how the background color will mess with your eyes.

  • 8 years ago

    We did 2 coat of Benjamin more regal select. The bedroom is also healing aloe now and the previous color was a terrible green/brown (dark). Also covered in 2 coats.

  • 8 years ago

    I have Sea Salt and it truly is a beautiful color. It cganges in my home from blueish to greenish. Love it

  • 8 years ago

    Got a sample of capitol white's lovely! I think that's the winner. For real!!! lol

  • 8 years ago

    I think (and hope!) that you'll love it.

  • 8 years ago

    I was reading along agreeing with Tibbrix for my first choice before I saw the larger photos with the tile - then even more so. I think it would be really hard to make a greige look good with that and dark wood with white walls is a very fresh look. I think it will look great when you get that rug too.

    But the main thing I wanted to say was that I would not spend the time doing a second coat of primer. The old color will still show through and it isnt necesssary to make the wall color cover well. If you are buying a quality paint, the first coat should give you most of the coverage you need and the second coat will fill it out and make the color richer. Painting a very dark color over white has been the only time I have needed three colors.

    Hope you can keep the baby occupied -- or tired out and needing an extra nap, so you can get some painting time in. Been there.

  • 8 years ago

    The previous owner of our house painted the kitchen painter's tape blue. The secret to successful coverage without bleeding is to add 1 oz of black to the primer.. The gray neutralizes the under coat (blue) and is a good base for the new color.

    Laura Law thanked User
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We've used tinted primers when dealing with strong colors and it does help. We used sample paint as a primer when going over navy in one room. Still needed a third coat (touch up, maybe not a full coat-- it's been years) with that black, but it was pinholes we were covering on the third coat rather than streaks or splotches --- the mysterious shrinking paint? Or maybe the nap on the roller wasn't ideal? The lighter color shouldn't be any problem either way -- the stronger accent wall -- wouldn't hurt.

  • 8 years ago

    Oh, I am glad that you decide on a white-- I love that with wood window frames. If you decide that there is too much white/cream once it is all done, you could consider putting a very light color on the ceiling. It breaks up the white but Isn't really in your face that way.

  • 8 years ago

    my main color for most of our house is november rain. I also have medium wood cabinets. It does sometimes look a bit green, but also can look grey and warm beige. it's really a crazy all over the place color. emily henderson wrote about it on her blog which justified my observations. it would look great in your space but I"m sure the white you chose will be fabulous as well.

  • 8 years ago

    Just an update...and a BIG thank you to all of you who suggested I go with a white. Ben Moore's Capitol White is on all the walls now and it looks SOO much better. Really brightens up the kitchen and created warmth as someone suggested it would. I have just one more coat to put on and will post pics. I can't believe how long this is taking me. Baby has been sick and I got a promotion at work to full time. So life got in the way. Better get it done before anything else happens! lol. Thank you again!

  • 8 years ago

    We are looking forward to seeing the finished space!!!!

  • 8 years ago

    Can't wait to see it. And kitchens (and bathrooms) are SUCH a pain to paint!

  • 8 years ago

  • 8 years ago

  • 8 years ago

  • 8 years ago

  • 8 years ago

    Love it! Thanks again for all the helpful advice!

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Wow, it's beautiful! So much brighter and fresher! Maybe I follow suit. instead of messing around with all these greiges/grays.

    What color is your hallway? I'm actually thinking about painting my ceiling B Healing Aloe with Capitol White walls.

    Laura Law thanked nosoccermom
  • 8 years ago

    nosoccermom I'm not sure if this is answering your question cause I don't see my hallway pictured...but the hallway connecting the kitchen to the stairwell and dining room is BM's Pikes Peak Grey. It looks more blueish grey in the low light of the hallway. I was going to paint over it with the same white as in the kitchen but left it just in case I ended up liking it. Good news: I like it just as it is. If you want pictures I can post it. The color of the wall in the first pic all the way in the back is Valspar's Green Water I think?

  • 8 years ago

    Also I bet you that healing aloe would look good on a long as you have plenty of light. It is kind of a light soothing color right? We made the mistake of painting the ceiling in our sons room a crazy bright robins egg blue really only looks good when the sun pours in through the windows for like...the one or two hours a day that it happens lol. It is cute, but I wish we didn't do it after the fact. I blame the damn pregnancy hormones for me making such a strange decision.

  • 8 years ago

    Sorry, I didn't look carefully. I meant your dining room. Will look at Pikes Peak Gray, but probably lighter.

  • 8 years ago

    The kitchen looks great!!!

    Laura Law thanked powermuffin
  • 8 years ago

    Actually nosoccermom the dining room is not pikes peak gray. It is Valspars Green Water.

  • 8 years ago

    I love the new white paint with your woodwork. Hope baby is feeling better :-)

    Laura Law thanked always1stepbehind
  • 8 years ago

    I'm not generally a "white" fan, but that one looks great with your kitchen elements. Good choice.

    Laura Law thanked gyr_falcon
  • 8 years ago

    Looks amazing. I love the BM Capital White!!!

  • 8 years ago

    Gotta love that Capitol White. I too used that in a kitchen, which continued on to hallways, an entry room, a couple bathroom walls and soon will be in a guest room. Lol. It is that perfect warm white that stays consistent regardless of lighting (natural or artificial). P.S. Congrats on the promotion.