Blank canvas for open floorplan
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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Need FloorPlan Suggestions - Desperate
Comments (10)I've looked at your plan several times, but have found it difficult to come up with ideas since I'm not clear on what can be changed, and it's hard to see the measurements. Looking at your second plan, it's guesswork to see what the old plan was. It would be very helpful to see the original, existing plan. But I'll take a stab at it. What is it that you don't like about the MBR, besides the location of the WIC door? You said you're redoing the bathrooms. Can their fixtures be relocated? Can the kitchen cabinets along the dining room wall be changed? Seems like there must be a better way to do the butler's pantry, which is inconvenient in its present location. Can the locations of the appliances be changed in the kitchen? The great room seems huge--what are the measurements? Do you really need it that large? The reason I ask is that it seems like you have space in it for the dining table at the end towards the kitchen. If so, I'd go back to the 3 car garage, and just attach it to the house. Then I'd rework the present dining room, mudroom, and butler's pantry. How many people/ what ages are living in this house? Is there a reason the mudroom is so large in Baton Rouge, especially with the laundry elsewhere? I assume you need 4 active bedrooms, and wouldn't want to convert one to a study/guest bedroom? Living in the north, I don't know much about life styles in Louisiana. How much of the year are the doors and windows open, or do you mostly close up and use air conditioning down there? Which way is south on this house plan? How wide is the lot, and how close to the lot line are the doors of the present 3 car garage? More info and the original plan will help! Anne...See MoreNeed Advice On Color Schemes For Open Floor Plan Home
Comments (8)grandmaof3..the pictures of the kitchen were from when the previous home owner lived here..I'm attaching some updated pics. Sorry for the confusion. Also, I have always had a hard time arranging the furniture in our living room since it is so oddly shaped! :( We are thinking about getting a wrap around couch and maybe a recliner to make things easier and look better. yayagal, thanks for the link! You hit the nail on the head with earth colors! Exactly what I'm looking for..just hard to choose which ones. lol I've seen a lot of turquoise crosses and turquoise western decor, which I think would compliment the colors well! Would you mind sharing pictures of the family room and dining room? Thanks again!! I hate posting these pics because our house is so bare! lol But I always stop to remind myself that we are only 23 and just starting out! :)...See MoreFloor Plan Help - blank slate
Comments (4)Fallingwaters - Yes, I would like a garage entrance, preferably in the far right corner. It's a small garage and I want to keep the stairs along the exterior wall in case we someday downsize our SUZ and get a small car that can fit in this one car garage. As for the view, I prefer the back view and view off the deck. On the right / garage side, I only have a narrow walkway and no view. The rough sketch I have above is just about my whole downstairs. My front door is in the center of the house with stairs leading up in front of my basement stairs; a cape cod style home. I will link to my draft blue print. I feel there is room for improvement in terms of space allocation and I am open to reducing the side of the working kitchen if it improves flow and space functionalilty. Chibimimi - I could move the door to garage, but it is better in some ways to keep it in that corner, as discussed above. Yet, I am open to all ideas that make the overall layout better. I also invision the kitchen on the garage side. Yes, I could put the half bath in the DR / garage corner. I think the code would allow it since my current half bath is designed in this manner. Yes, a spot for my dog would be ideal, especially since she sleeps in a crate at night. I will look at tambour doors, I am not familiar with this. Thanks for your feedback. GW is wonderful! Here is a link to my cross post on the kitchen forum: Here is a link that might be useful:...See MoreHelp! Floor plan- Blank Slate
Comments (34)Dilly, ultimately about the kitchen, but regarding your statement that you wanted the deck off the living room because that's the nicer side of the propery: Decks almost always block the view of the landscape beyond from inside, replacing your view of garden (or valley, marsh, etc.) with a clutter of chair backs and legs, table and legs, railing and posts, BBQ, cushion storage, and of course...decking. No matter how expensive and how well done, at the best of times it will be less attractive than what it's blocking (and in many climates a desolate unappealing wasteland in winter). Besides you'll always have plenty of chair legs, tables, etc., inside to look at. How about instead: * moving that deck elsewhere, where it has a nice view of the good end of the property from a different orientation, * taking some of the current deck space *for the kitchen,* and * having the living room feature a pretty view of your garden while still having good access to a nearby deck? (BTW, balcony-type walkways can connect doors to large open deck areas without destroying views)....See MoreRelated Professionals
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IowacommuteOriginal Author