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A 2016 update on last years post "a Mutant in my onion patch"

Hi these were the results of planting bulbs on "more on the Mutant"

I can't figure how to post the links from last year, but the pictures are on page 6 at bottom "A Mutant in my Onion Patch" "More on the Mutant"

I planted the bulbs this spring as onion sets and I was disappointed with the results as you can see at the bottom of the board. The Expression transplants that I started from seed and planted at the same time as the sets grew normal 3-5 inches diameter. However the largest set that I planted in same soil same row produced a plant similar to its parent! Only one bulb (set) did this. The scrawny one on the left is about the same size as it was when planted. It grew a leaf and stayed firm though. I won't save the 2016 mutant to see what happens next year I'll likely eat it as green onions! Happy gardening, Chic.

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