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$750 to paint a dresser??

8 years ago

I have my parents' 1948 solid wild cherry bedroom set. I use the headboard and nightstand at the lake, the dresser and chest are in storage. All but the headboard had the finish damaged down to bare wood from the nurses at the assisted living putting urine soaked incontinence garments on top. In addition, there is a slight mold smell. Originally, I saw this picture of my exact chest, and thought to paint the chest an admiral blue to go in the kids' room at the lake. I found someone to do it but the estimate came back yesterday at $750 for just the chest. I need to do the other 3 pieces but thought I would just have them stained back to the original. Now, I'm not sure what to do. Should I:

1) Paint the chest myself, and put the funds towards professionally finishing the other pieces?

2) Have all the pieces finished in the same stain rather than just 1 piece painted? (doubtful they would ever again be used in the same room, at least by me)

3) Bite the bullet, and pay.

I want them to look nice. My father told me how long my mother looked to find something she liked.

Here's my chest (though not MY chest). The original pulls are gold, not silver.

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