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One problem with tropical fruit growing in the SF bay area+nor cal.

Its not the cold like what you would think. Its that all the subtropicals are sold in small sizes..puny,teeny things that you then have to try to get to survive a winter. Yet,go to any nursery in the warm months and you can buy 8 or 9 ' stone fruit Apricot or Plum in a big pot for 30 bucks.. Cherimoya are sold at best at 4'..but Mangoes even more tender? whippy 3'. NO wonder people think they cant grow in our climate.

I look at my Mango.. 6 (in the 2nd year cut down to stump) years of work. Yet,there is no way,I could have averted the middle years with a 7' tree to start. 7' and a nice trunk like now.

Just something to get off my chest as I see one big reason there has been stumbling blocks with getting the subtropical fruit growing hobby off the ground and our history of orchards.

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