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SdLM and Jude the Obscure, worth the hype?

I am considering to grow own-root Souvenir de la Malmaison and Jude the Obscure in OC, SoCal.

I have read pages of glorious reviews about these two roses, but also many reviews that they are poor in some locales. For SdlM it seems it really needs warm/dry inland conditions; is 10 miles from the coast far enough from the ocean for it not to ball?

Is the fragrance of SdlM and JtO as amazing as nearly everyone says? Some have mentioned that the coloring of these two roses is a shade too blah-flesh toned. But the photos I've seen are so alluring...

I would love to hear from any SoCal growers as well as those who grow both of these in their garden.

Thank you so much for sharing, I've been thinking too much about these dreamy roses!!!

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