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Recommendations for a Columnar Growing Tree

8 years ago

Hi everyone. I primarily post in the Plumeria forum but I am looking for recommendations from seasoned Texas Gardeners for a row of tall growing columnar shaped trees. I want this row of trees to eventually shade the west side of my house from the sun. Here are my site conditions and desired characteristics:

1. West elevation (afternoon full Sun) with about 12 feet of distance from the house on one side and a 6ft fence on the other side. The trees can be placed very close to the fence. There is a modern concrete septic tank within about 20 feet of the area. The house is on a north/south axis.

2. I am looking for trees which have a mature height of 25ft or taller and a span of 12ft or less. I was leaning towards evergreens but am thinking the dimensions and Soil tolerances are more important.

3. Looks like a Clay soil which does not appear to have the best drainage. I just recently moved to the Boerne area so I'm still learning the local characteristics.

Some of the Trees which appear to work at least on paper so far are Italian Cypress, Poplars, Columnar shaped Crepe Myrtles (if any), and/or Thuja.

Thanks for your suggestions and help.


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