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odsrandy's 2016 (and 1st!) Pepper Grow Log

7 years ago

Hello Friends!

Ever since I signed up for this forum I've been loving seeing everybody's grow updates, and was inspired to start my own grow log. Bear in mind that this is my first year growing ANYTHING, so if there's any pointers y'all have for me along the way, or see me doing something detrimental, any and all advice is welcomed. I have just sown seeds that were so kindly sent to me by forum member habjolokia (thanks so much!). They are Reapers and Chocolate Habs.

I am using Jiffy Seed Starter Mix as the medium and the flats are on a heating mat (10-20° above ambient).

Also I figured I'd add the couple seedlings that I currently have housed under a couple 100w replacement CFL's (6500K/Daylight). I started these from seed and they are: Trinidad Red Scorpion (x4) and a Peter. I had them under my multi spectrum LED bulbs but the I believe the combination of the red light and the distance from the lights made them leggy so I transplanted them from their trays into cups and buried them deep and stuck em under the CFL's. Due to the awkward positioning of the bulbs I rotate amd revolve the cups daily or OOD.

Stay tuned for updates! (Sorry about the long post!)

I posted pictures of both distances I've had the cups from the light. I want to avoid legginess, but didn't wanna harm the seedlings. Which distance is best?

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