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pruning clematis for maximum fence coverage

blueocean m
7 years ago

I planted 6 Sweet Autumn Clematis against the wooden fence at the rear of my backyard. They're growing up some garden trellis netting installed an inch or two away from the fence.

I planted them to help screen the view of my neighbour's property, therefore I don't want them to bolt up 6 feet, leaving sparse growth below. The nursery I bought them from suggested consistent pruning in order to encourage lateral growth.

This made sense at the time. However, now that I'm looking at the plant I'm wondering how much to prune off, how often to prune, should I prune just above or below one of the little leaf pairs? All of the articles I've found on pruning clematis don't focus on this sort of pruning. Information or direction to any sort of resource would be much appreciated.

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