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Need Help designing Kitchen bench seating

8 years ago

We are planning a new build kitchen and having trouble designing the bench seating that we would like to include. Below is a screen show of the kitchen plan

We are a family of four and plan to use the area for weekends breakfast/lunch and dinners. Breakfast and lunch during the week would most likely be at the island. Anytime additional family is over and holidays will be in the dining room.

We were initially thinking a corner bench on the upper right hand of the drawing, on the same walls as the fridge and the slider.

The questions are the following;

- How big should the bench be? Should it be the whole 7 1/2 feet to the fridge and the 5' to the slider?

- This feels like it is too much for that space, so if we should cut it, what should the measurements be?

- Do you think it should be a round or rectangular table?

- Should we just do the bench on one wall to avoid any dead space?

Thank you in advance for any help that you can give. We are really stuck on this.

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