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Ooops. Drought Successfully Returns to OK

Did anyone look at today's update of the Drought Monitor this morning?

The areas that have been too dry still remain too dry, and part of that area has moved from the Abnormally Dry (pre-drought conditions) category to the Moderate Drought one.

While Moderate Drought sounds pretty innoculous, I know that when we are in even Moderate Drought down here, I find it hard to keep the garden producing well. I can keep it green. I can keep it looking fairly happy. I can pretend all is well, but once those words Moderate Drought are on that map staring right back at you, you know you're going to have to fight a pitched battle to keep your garden producing well.

Hopefully this is a short-lived drought and not the sign of something much worse to come.

OK Drought Monitor Released 6/30/2016

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