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Why do my tomatoes turn yellow and die after setting fruit every year?

8 years ago

Every year soon after they set fruit (out of a dozen plants, I may get 5 or 6 ripe tomatoes) I start seeing yellow leaves scattered throughout. They the leaves dry up and die. No spots, no curling, no wilting. Evetually it affect the whole plant and it dies.

I am in SC and we have very low pH soil here. A couple of years ago, I did a DIY soil test and found low pH (4.0 to 5.5 in various raised beds). Since I have been adding lime and fertilizer. This spring I added chicken litter as mulch (did not dig it in as it was uncomposted).

Well this year I have green leafy growth and few blooms (likely due to the high nitrogen in the chicken manure?). But they are starting to do their thing again! Ugh.

The last 2 years I have been operating on the theory that the low pH is blocking nutrients and the plant reaches a level of nutrient consumption when setting fruit that the it cannot sustain due to the low pH. But now that I have been adding lime for three years and I still have the same problem I am beginning to question that theory.

I have research all the tomato diseases and nothing seems to fit.

Any thoughts or comments? I am desperate to be able to successfully grow tomatoes!

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