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Newbie Perspective. How often do you Check for New Tomatoes?

As you know, I have about 11 gifts from the compost pile, and they grow with the petunias. So, we checked now and then, but worried when the temps went to 115 F for a couple days. HEAT WAVE. We thought "All is lost."

Then, a strange object caught my eye one morning. I checked. OMG! A tomato!! Then I checked and there were many we missed. Now we check AM, PM and they are NOT supposed to produce. I KNOW that it's too HOT for that, but they just are putting out tomatoes hourly. You see one incher, and there is a 1/4" next to it.

The plants have grown big and if you check deep down, there are some big ones we missed. Other plants are wimpy, but then they take off and suddenly there are tomatoes!

This is a lot of fun!!

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