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Bees in My Bonnet, Bees on My Knees and Daylily Blooms

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I've been under attack in the garden this week by great big buzzing bumble bees. Whether photographing, watering, or weeding, these bees seem to be mistaking me for a giant flower. A couple of days ago I came in the house with a bee on my straw hat. I was able to walk back out and shake it off. Yesterday while watering, one of these bumbles kept landing on my rose colored shirt and trying to extract nectar. It came after me 8-9 times. I thought it was just the color of my shirt attracting the persistent pollinator. But this morning I felt something on the top of my head and it another bumble bee! I have no idea what's making me so attractive to these insects. Luckily I've managed to escape being stung. I am allergic to bee stings, so I try to avoid them. Here are some photos I took while trying to stay bee free.

This is a seedling I've been evaluating for three or four years. It used to have excellent stats until the seedling bed became too shady. It's Trimmer seedling "Laughing Hyena" X Back Scratcher. It has a 7.5 inch bloom.

Victorian Garden Emerald Breeze is a tall daylily with large 6.5 inch blooms.

Willow Dean Smith is beginning to bloom

River City Pier Surfer

Linda Beck

Corolla Light

Spacecoast Francis Busby continues to perform well each day and has three rebloom scapes on the way!

Belated Greetings, a late bloomer

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