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New hosta bed one year later

7 years ago

A few years ago, I posted a thread to ask advice on how to design a hosta bed so that the hostas were touching each other:

Last year I finally took the plunge, after amending the soil, and decided to plant the hostas close together, figuring it would take 5 years for them to fill in.

Here is the same bed one year later:

Oops! So now I'm in the process of redesigning the bed to allow space for growth. I've never had hostas grow this fast and I attribute it to the amended soil and several hours of morning sun. All my other hostas are planted in full shade and are every slow growers.

By the way, that poor, pitiful hosta in the first row is Puddles and Bumps. She was an early riser and was damaged by frost.

Now I'm looking for locations on my property where hostas will get a few hours of sun. It really seems to make a difference. I'm learning.

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