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Calgary peach / nectarine growing

mattpf (zone4)
7 years ago

Just going to start my own experiences on here now. Last 5 years I've been messing around with peaches. I've learned that the few I have now are hardier trees than sweet cherry trees if brought into dormancy properly and put in location it won't open till later.

My super hardy peach grafts survive in open sun on apricot trees that bloom in April. The peach graft blooms later still by few weeks. Same graft on my plum no winter protections and graft shot out flowers and has peaches hanging off. This Chinese hardy peach is just as hardy as or if not more hardy than any apricot I have. It set fruit on nights I had to heat the apricot trees to save crop losses.

Pf-24c fully hardy to Calgary and blooms month later than apricot or jap plums. If you can find a way to keep minus 30 off these trees you will have success here I believe . About 30 min work in fall to cover up heavy with mulch and possibly white shade over tree or lean a sheet of plywood over it against the fence.

Here is a hardy peach grafted onto apricot starting to flower this is amazing as the graft was just put on a few weeks ago.

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