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Clementina Carbonieri help?

Anna-Lyssa Zone9
7 years ago

My Clementina Carbonieri is in its second full year now and I'm a little perplexed because the blooms are almost always scorched. The plant looks otherwise healthy and fine, but the blooms always look burnt to a crisp except during its early first "flush" (it's hard to call it that since it's pretty much always in bloom). It was covered in perfect mouth-watering blooms last month and I thought aha! it's outgrown its "scorched-bloom" phase, but no. It's only May and she's already doing it again!

I thought the teas were sun and heat loving.....Should I move it to part-shade?? Or is something else going on here?

If it stops RAINING and HAILING long enough, I'll try to take a picture!

The scent on this rose is amazing. That's just a side-note.

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