Foot wear suggestions needed
8 years ago
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Suggestions for selling a 10 foot Plumeria
Comments (8)It may not be necessary to get rid of you plant. Some people unpot their plumeria every fall and stack them in storage for the winter. In the spring, they pot them up again and are good to go. There is a man in Kansas City named Scott who has a forest of plumeria as tall or taller than your plant that he stores every winter and puts out in his yard every year. You probably have the largest plumeria in Chicago and I would look at all options before getting rid of such a prize possession. Philip...See MoreAdult leaf footed bug...I need it gone any suggestions?
Comments (4)Yep, looks like one variety of leaf footed stink bug to me. They usually arrive and hatch out a bunch in a hurry when the hot, dry weather arrives. I hope that some one has a sure fire organic way to eradicate them, but I doubt it. Some people take a battery operated hand vacuum and suck them up then dump them into soapy water. I have found that some dish wash liquid mixed with water and sprayed in a little hand held spray bottle will kill them, if your spray it directly on the bugs. DO NOT DRENCH THE PLANTS, especially in the heat of the day under the blazing sun. I am kinda reluctant to tell about that, even though it did enable me to keep my tomatoes ralatively free from damage by the stinkbugs, BECAUSE, then some one is sure to post about how it burned their plants, yada yada yada. I just make a couple of rounds per day, one early, one late and spray it sparingly and directly on the stink bugs themselves, not trying to treat the plant. Some fly away, some stagger around a bit and die on the plant before they can fly off. There always seems to be some the next day, but it seems to disrupt their cycle enough to the point that they do not destroy my tomatoes. They come in a wide array of shapes and colors. If you scroll down far enough on this page you will find quite a few pictures of them, including some of their little red nymphs on a green tomato. They are pretty easy to kill when they are ganged up and are young. As they get older, their shell gets tough. I will also be interested in what response your inquiry in this thread gets. Good luck. Bill P....See MoreNeed to vent, very long, need constructive suggestions
Comments (2)Sylviatexas, thank you so much for replying. That story is perfect, fits the situation to a T. Yes, my husband can be a very good authority figure, but is worn out by all of this crap. He really can't/won't be on this little brat's case all the time; but this is a recurring theme on this forum isn't it. Typically the husband will make a 3/4 commitment to what the step-mother wants, and then the other 1/4 is sort of a "guilt over the divorce" type of giving in to the problem child. Trying to keep both parties happy. And, taking him in went against my gut, and I should have listened to my gut. But I was swayed by sentimentality that when my father was a baby his father abandoned him and his mother. And then, when he was about 11 years old his mother became ill and he almost ended up in an orphanage. But his paternal Aunt took him in and he had stayed with her growing up. This 16, almost 17 year old has been a problem for a long time. My husband also gets a little soft and says that the boy needs to be able to have some fun, etc. Having him it earn it back probably won't work because he says he doesn't care, etc. I took away stuff before and it doesn't work, he won't "give in" and change his ways. The 1st summer he was here my husband was ready to put him in foster care. But you can't do that just because you can't handle your kid. We can't afford the brat camps, but that is where he belongs. The little creep is going to be gone from our house for a week, and it will be the best week I've had for a long time. And we actually had him go through an evaluation at a local mental health care facility, but he wasn't "bad enough" they said. I think they and the ins. company were more bothered by the fact that we had only gone to 2-3 counseling sessions at that point. Well, in this part of Pennsylvania there are very few adolescent mental health practioners. So, they are booked up. And, without going into details, I went through this type of hell before with an sibling who acted out, and made an unhappy family even unhappier. Blame the parents?? Or are people just born a certain way??? On top of all of this: I have my own health issues to work on; my mother is in a nursing home and I am the power of attorney dealing with her banking, selling her house, et al from 4 hours away; my job has some stress but at least I have one (and actually I feel competent there); some financial issues here in my own house; etc. So, maybe the "Money is her Guiding Star" bio-mom will let her pocketbook rule her decisions. For the 1.5 years when she had one boy and we had the other, neither bio-parent paid child support. When the older one finished high school, she said she didn't think she'd have to pay us child support. Well, that was part of the deal for taking the younger boy off her hands. Ok, soon after that, the older gets a job and has to pay room and board to her, the $ amount basically same as the child support she was paying us. Now she won't have that $ coming in, so might decide it is worth it to take her younger son back. Can't happen soon enough!!!! So, I am thinking the best way for me to live my life is to have more fun with my friends. The weekends when he is here I will be out at museums, movies, lunch, etc. Well, silver lining: any winsome feelings I had about not having children of my own, ARE GONE BYE BYE. Thanks again to anyone who made to the end of this long vent....See MoreWhat does one wear to a job interview these days?? Need help fast!
Comments (46)Well I'm done with the first part. I don't want to say too much in case someone from the firm reads this forum. But I could have definitely gone casual -- I was immediately shown to a conference room and given the test. The only employee I saw was a guy wearing a t shirt and cargo shorts who met me at the door and handed me the test and collected it at the end. And the test was surprisingly hard given the level of position I applied for so who knows if there will even be an interview. Oh well -- even if it nothing comes of it, it was definitely an interesting way to dip my toes in the job market....See MoreRelated Professionals
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