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Help with identifying pest/disease

Armaryil Imveras
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Hi, I've been trying to grow herbs indoors - which include Thyme, sweet basil, parsley, common mint and a few others.

Over the last few weeks my Thyme has developed some strange speckles on the leaves - they get small translucent holes and dark green dots, as if something is eating the inside of the leaves. It's tiny and appears like spots. The leaves later turn brown, shrivel up and die - see attached photos.

Lately it's been rapidly getting worse - I've tried to cut of the infected stems but it's hard to tell if I've gotten everything and the plant is now very sickly compared to the photos. And this pest/disease has now spread to my new baby basil seedlings as well as my parsley and mint.

Any help in identifying what this thing is and how to get rid of it will help greatly!!

PS: The plant is situated by the window sill to receive the full morning and a bit of afternoon sun. It gets watered once a week and was doing well, flourishing infact, until this thing got in...

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