White stuff on a dieffenbachia
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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New Construction Plumbing: White PVC vs The Black Stuff
Comments (30)I've been using both ABS and PVC for over 25 years and in different places across the US, each with different rules and regulations, most of which is not based in solid science. ABS hands down beats PVC in direct sun and also under homes in indirect sunlight. In Hawaii, PVC becomes brittle within a year. It pits, shatters, cracks and crumbles. ABS doesn't do any of that. As an inspector I see this every day. An ABS roof vent pipe can last 15 years in heat and sun without being painted. ABS is more expensive than PVC. While ABS is not used for water pipe, PVC and not CPVC is still being used as water supply in Hawaii. Both should be outlawed as toxic for water. Sched. 80 PVC fairs much better than Sched. 40. Sched. 80 is grey and a bit softer. Yes about the primer purple for inspections. On Farms and ranches you can see crumbled remains of long runs of original PVC, right next to newer and flexible and safer HDPE tubing. If one looks close at larger diameter ABS, you can sometimes see its "foam" core. Like one comment said - If you hit ABS with a hammer, it's unlikely you'll break it, but try that with PVC and it will break easily - shatter even. Once a plumber from Australia told me that some places banned ABS because of the gases released when it burns in a house fire or when it's cut too fast by plumbers. I'm sure the health of plumbers was not on a politicians mind when banning ABS. ABS will burn continually once it starts, whereas PVC supposedly self extinguishes. Not sure that burning carpet and every other thing in a house fire is any less toxic. But to answer the question - ABS is much more expensive (in Hawaii anyway) than PVC. And maybe in the end its the same because you'll buy and replace 3 to 4 times PVC to 1 time ABS. And seriously, it's just plain greed when a 3" ABS cap fitting that used to cost 2-5 dollars is now over $20 in 2024....See MoreWhite stuff on white pine, adelgid?
Comments (6)im not looking it up .... but the bayer product might have been bayer tree and shrub systemic???? its what i used for bad scale. and EAB ... insure it is properly labeled for this use .. and more is not better.. follow instructions ken...See MoreWhite powdery stuff coming out of water dispenser, LG refrigerator
Comments (17)I'm experiencing the same issue. Interestingly, my previous fridge which lasted 10 years, also LG never gave me this issue, yet I've noticed this ever since buying this one about a year ago. LG also tells me that it's Calcium Calbonate. I do know that it was recommended to me when I moved to my current place about 10 years ago that I install a hard water filter for the entire house, yet this is the first time I see any like this. One last thing about this. When I started researching this online, no matter what website I went to, consumers always referenced LG refrigerators. I think that's too much of a coincidence....See MoreDieffenbachia leaves turning transparent/yellow (with white residue)
Comments (3)is it a houseplant.. if so.. just fyi.. there is such a forum .. looks sunburned.. and perhaps it occurred when its roots werent pumping water properly due to the repotting ... it is extremely stressed.. not hungry.. fert is not a response at this time.. water a plant when it needs it.. not on some random schedule.. most likely related to the bad media you got rid of... in the pix.. the media looks sodden.. to the extent that i doubt it would dry in 5 to 7 days... let it near dry before you water again .. try not to love it to death.. you need to learn to water properly.. and then give it a few months to releaf and recover.. there is nothing you can do to make those damaged leaves better ... but as long as they are green. they can process light into energy for the plant.. so dont go cutting them all off .. until the brown completely.l you will know you are on the right track.. when you get vibrant new growth ... and at that point.. for every new leaf.. cut off a bad leaf .... ken...See MoreRelated Professionals
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