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rustle finds

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

got back from a rustle in pleasent valley past the wells fargo station i got sevral cuttings of this deep purple ( think pulich childrens color) rambler that was growing along side a creek that i ended up having to slosh through to get back. it is VERY fragrant and it wafts pardon the blur and washed out color took the pics in the car as it was loosing its petals

the second which i neglected to take a picture of was a variety r.californica the mother plant was a good 5'tby4'-5'w i took some cuttings as well as got two small plants about 2x2 and 3x3 that were runners from the mother plant and after seeing one about 8ft tall on the way back growing on a sign and another on a fencei will be trying train one against a wall and put the other in a open spot to grow naturally. i had seen a red china similiar to elizebeths or malespina along the road infront of a def. 1800's house but being as there was a house there i didnt want to mess with it. the neighboring house also had an apricot colored tea growing along side it. i plan soon to go to cherokee as well as peoria,n.sanjaun and some other cemetaries. im going to keep my eyes peeled for forgotten/discreet cemeterys as i had a relative try to take back roads up past nevada city to avoid traffick and endup deadending at an cemetery off the beaten path.

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