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another esale rug question

8 years ago

We need some rugs for my DDs third floor space. It is one large open room. We need rugs for both looks and function. Ever since we took out the hot water rads and put in ducts for heating, the noise is really bad. We are hoping a couple of rugs helps.

I love the wool gabbeh rugs and thought maybe doing a round one and a rectangular in different colours would be nice. I also found the turkish one and think the colours may match the blue gabbeh, but would it be horrible to put a real wool rug with a polyproplyne rug? I am a huge snob about manmade products and all our furnishings, etc. are natural fabrics and even tho I love the rug, I have a feeling I may not be happy with anything with poly in its name.

For some weird reason, I can't seem to load pics of the rugs today, but here is the room. Please excuse the teenage mess.

rug #1

rug #2

rug #3

rug #4

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