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Pulls on upper cabs. Options, please.

8 years ago

I really love and want horizontal pulls on my upper cabinets. Unfortunately, one of the cabinets (glass) is next to the refrigerator, so it will hit the side panel of the fridge. There is a doorway to the dining room on the other side of the cabinet.

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The elevation that you see is the top run of cabinets and from left to right includes the cooktop, open shelving, ovens and glass cabinet beside the dining room door. I am looking for a solution and would love some advice. My thought is to either

1) take down the offending cabinet, cut it down and add a filler between it and the fridge or

2) have the door open into doorway (don't think I like that idea) or alternatively

3) don't put any handles on the glass cabinets which are all in that corner and flank the dining room doorway.

Any other thoughts? Thanks for your help!!

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