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Sickly money tree! Need help

8 years ago

I recently went out of town and had a friend tend to my money tree while I was gone. The tree was thriving before I left, when I came back however I noticed some of the leaves were beginning to yellow the soil wasn't overly dry so I figured that my friend had over watered. A few days later I noticed on one of the tips of the trunk it was becoming white and very dry..this worried me so I quickly googled it and read to get the dry trunk away from the healthy one as to not spread. While doing this I expected to find water logged on roots, but I found nothing out of the ordinary. I repotted, putting some pebbles at the base of the pot and planting with regular soil and some sand and perlite. Just as I had in the past. I watered and kept the plant out of direct sun. Now I check on the plant and I see more tips of the trunk beggining to turn white and some of the leaves are yellow..some have splotches, others are brown and some look completelty healthy! I even have new growth coming in. Help!? Can I save my plant??

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