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March 3/16: Favorite links, wise quotes, your garden & health goals?

strawchicago z5
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

The center orange rose is floribunda rose Summer Samba, achieved through fluffy soil, 1 teas. gypsum per 2 teas. sulfate of potash weekly in rainy weather, but 2 teas. gypsum per 1 teas. sulfate of potash in hot & dry with tap water. Light pinks are Frederic Mistral, darker pink is Evelyn.

My favorite link is what Jess gave: Eat yourself skinny, clever recipes with veggies:

Wisdom learned is what Khalid wrote "In my view, we all are answerable to God for our own deeds, not somebody else's. We should remain patient and try to ignore someone who is trying to impose himself upon us un-reasonably. We should not return a wrong with a wrong. The ability to be patient and to forgive is what makes us a superior human being.

Confrontation doesn't always solves the problem rather mostly complicates them and makes a person more egoistic and intolerant. Be humble and do the right things without expectation of a reward from human beings. This will give you peace of heart." Khalid.

Love that wisdom !! Thank you !!

My garden goal: make my hard-alkaline-clay fluffier via organic matter. My health goal: 8 lbs. to lose in 4 months to get down to normal weight 111 lbs. or 50 kg.

What are your favorite links, wisdom learned, and your garden or health goals? Thanks.

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