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Stephen's 2016 Soil Test - Year 2

8 years ago

Hey Morpheus! Looks like we're Spring is arriving early this year. The ground was soft enough for me to grab some soil samples and get a head start on this year's plans.

Just as a quick update, I did a complete reno last August with elite KBG which turned out great! I followed last year's recommendations and did notice a change in the soil when I was pulling samples as compared to last year. I mulched a lot of leaves this past fall and it seems to have paid off with a slight bump in the OM.

Some of the other numbers seemed to have shifted a bit, but I'm not entirely sure if that was because last year's samples weren't that accurate. This year I was much more precise at getting samples from the 3-4" level and believe I was able to capture a more accurate picture.

I have the following ingredients on hand: Milorganite, Lesco 18-24-12, Borax, Calcitic Lime, SOP, Epsom Salt, and Manganese. Will be picking up some Corn and Alfalfa meal in the near future.

Looking forward to the soil analysis and thanks in advance!

2016 Soil Report

2015 Soil Report

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