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Gargoyle has a doppelganger!

Or, most likely a sister. Some of you might remember my post about the abandoned kitten we found, and how thin and flea-ridden it was. When it was wet from a bath, my grandson named it Gargoyle, because that's what it resembled. She is now a sweet little thing, fully recovered from being spayed about six weeks ago.

A month ago we started seeing another half-grown cat who looks exactly like her, but it was feral--it would run if it even caught sight of us, or heard the door open. I started leaving extra food out for it, when I fed the other cats. Over the course of the month it became more comfortable with our family--one day last week I looked out the window, and it, Gargoyle, and Johnny (formerly nasty mean tomcat) were all asleep on the front porch cushions. Another day I saw it sunning on the picnic table in the back yard, and when I opened the door it sat still and watched me, instead of bolting.

We feed the cats in the barn loft (except for Johnny, who is still a troublemaker, even after being neutered), and one night when I was almost ready to walk out the door, the Shadow Cat zipped by my ankle to get to the loft. So, I'm thinking that if the cat is going to adopt us, it needs to be sterilized. I caught it in a live-trap, and kept it in the tool room this past week-end, then called the vet on Monday. I didn't know when I called, or trapped the cat, but as it happens, yesterday was National Spay Day--they were selling discount coupons for spaying and neutering, and they happened to have one appointment left for today!

What a lucky coincidence! (blfenton, I know you're going to say it wasn't a coincidence. ;) I just returned from dropping off the Shadow Cat at the vet's office, and I'll pick her up in the morning. Yes, a female--costs more to spay, but even more important to have done, IMO.

The cat isn't vicious, it just wants to be left alone--when picked up by the scruff it doesn't fight, and after tempting it with pork loin scraps for a couple for days, it will now take them from our fingers (just not very gently), from the safety of a cardboard box. I cut a cat-sized hole, so it can still feel hidden. It immediately started using an open litter box, thank goodness.

It might never be attached to us, but I think we can put it at ease while it lives on the periphery. And it looks so much like our sweet baby, I couldn't ignore it. :)

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