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Help me find a new dining/family room paint color

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

After 15 years, DH and I are ready to freshen up our family/dining room. It is currently painted a Ralph Lauren color, Maleya Red, which is a deep, rosy brick color.

The house is an 1880-something Cape with an ell with an ell; think smaller, cosy rooms, 8' or less ceilings. I would say the style is colorful eclectic-cottage. The family/dining room has antique honey pine wainscot, which will not be painted while my DH's heart beats. We are thinking of embracing the homey-pine and going with a vermillion or orangey yellow or tan. Maybe SW Ambitious Amber, Bees Wax, Torchlight or???

Oh goddesses of the paint can and home decor, have you suggestions for me? I've linked to an album showing photos of the room and house to give you a feel of our style. Please note since those photos were taken we've moved the TV to the opposite wall.

Photos of the room and house

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