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Grrrr, Gophers.

Some group of "good Citizens" decided to shoot all the coyotes in town so for the first time in 10 years I have gophers where none existed before, munching the roots clean off my plants. What is the best way you have found? Cages? If so I know I need 3/4" of less aviary wire or hardware cloth, what do you use? How big? I already have the darn things caged above for the deer and the numerous rabbits that are all over town now that the coyotes are gone. Don't people know about predators and our need for them? Has anyone forked out for the stainless steel wire? I dislike hardware cloth because it is hard to bend and takes forever to wind all those little wires around the bottom. But if that's the best I shall do so. I'll welcome any mountain lion or wolf that wants to move in. Am leaving the snags for owls to move in after the woodpeckers make the holes. The gophers do not eat the native roses with their long runners :)

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