3x6's...and remember it's just paper!
9 years ago
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Remember putting leaves between waxed paper?
Comments (5)I just dried some beautifully colored leaves I had found between paper towels. They are all just brown now. I think I will give the microwave a try. Just a thought. Would the wax from the waxed paper serve as a better preservative than not using it? I wonder if it would work using the waxed paper on the leaves in the microwave.... hmmm, too many thoughts at once. :) Chey...See MoreHow do you force yourself to 'just do it'?
Comments (21)have I mentioned "Do a Dozen" yet? There are chores I know I need to do; I haven't forgotten them, I'm thinking of them and then decide they're just too overwhelming. Like folding the 5 loads of laundry DH did. So, I tell myself I only need to "do a dozen"--fold 12 things. Put away 12 things off the dresser. I get to define what a "thing" is--maybe it's all 7 pencils that count as one "thing." Or, if I'm feeling really overwhelmed or short on time, every single pencil counts as one, and I quit early. Usually I decide that socks don't count (though I do take them out and put them in their sorted piles, I just don't count them), and so 12 would have been 27 if I'd added in all the socks. Or I decide that anything I'm going to throw away off the dresser doesn't count, and only things being relocated count--speeds that up fast, too. Sometimes I realize I've accidentally gone over--oops, did 18, my bad! Sometimes I'll say, "gee that went fast, I'll do ANOTHER dozen."...See Morejust passed papers!
Comments (21)Ok, then...the trim stays unpainted! And thank you, gunderson, you sealed the deal! $2000.??!! I will keep the floors the same as well. They really are gorgeous, I just am very color sensitive and would have loved them less orangey. I've just been told there are only so many times you can refinish a floor, and these have just been done. Since the house is so old, I guess I should not waste this refinish, huh? This I guess is totally something that can wait. I WISHHHHH I could live in the house for a while before making any major changes, but unfortunately I can't. The kitchen (not the original) was TERRIBLE and for some reason it looked like totally different people lived in the kitchen(LOL). We need to redo it before we move in. We tore it out today. Filthy, full of mouse droppings under the cabinets, rotted sink base, mishmashed appliances. Now I am so afraid of making any changes. BUt, I am going to take my Q's to the kitchen forum, and I hope those guys will have some help for me there. I am so glad I found this site! Thanks so much. I will post the outside of the house as soon as I get a chance (on our other cpu) It really is a gem! I wish I knew more about such houses. Like I said before, I just knew it was special....See MoreIt's Just One of those Days....
Comments (9)oh man--how AGGRAVATING! but i'm sure this tale would have made your friends appreciate your meal even more, as well as give them a good laugh! and anyone who cooks at all has had more than a couple of those moments. i think there were about 8 of us here for a late afternoon lunch and due to the folks that were coming, i planned a "meat" dish and a fish dish. my husband had stopped at the store the night before to pick up a few haddock fillets which i was stuffing with crab or something. anyway, i was replenishing the appetizers and a friend asked what she could do to help and i asked her to rinse the fish. she opened up the paper and and it got quiet. and i turned around and said "what is it?" she said "san, the fish is bad. BAD." it was a long trip back to the store with my not very fresh fish to get replacements and back home again to finish the meal for my friends! really pretty annoying, even if it is funny now!...See MoreRelated Professionals
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