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Wanted: Great Room Rug Ideas

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

I have watched you all with your wonderful rug suggestions and am

hoping you could help suggest some for me as well. The players:

Great Room

Revere Pewter paint

Greige couches

Chairs that are not a standard color--this is the problem. They are a mix of slate blue and turquoise--I think? Makes for a difficult color match with rugs that are mainly light blue, navy, or brighter turquoise.

Also, I have tried a couple traditional rugs and they looked out of place--just did not go with the transitional furniture. I would like to have something with no border, a larger free flowing pattern I think? Transitional with a nod to traditional? Or maybe I should just do a tone on tone? Another thought is those jute rugs but could the room go too boring or beige with that?

Any ideas are welcome. I am just needing someone to point me in the right direction. :)

The last two pics here show the chair color a little more true. It is a shade darker than the pics. Also, I am open to changing out the couch pillows if necessary. Thank you all in advance! :)

Comments (80)

  • 9 years ago


    absolutly beautiful home! Very well done. The fireplace and the tile in the room are breathtaking. However, and maybe it's just me, If I paid $15,000.00 for a rug, I would allow no one to walk on it:/

    mom2sulu thanked zorroslw1
  • 9 years ago

    If you are looking for some color here is a beauty!!!!!

    mom2sulu thanked amykath
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    All these rugs were from RugsDirect. I recommend you order the smallest size of any rug you are interested in so that you can check for color and quality. Then once you make your decision you order the correct size for the rug. This way you are not returning rugs that are heavier than dead bodies. Your decision may be determined by the other items you plan to use in the room. Of course, your room is very neutral so you have lots of options.
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    I might consider a different approach . Your furniture seems so dark because the contrast for just the few pieces is so great. I would add an area rug to set the location and rearrange your furniture. Place a square coffee table centered on the fireplace with the sofa on one side and the loveseat facing and centered on the fireplace. I would eliminate the entertainment unit. The scale was never right for the room. Maybe you could use it in the master bedroom. Is this what I would suggest if you were starting new? No,...... but baby steps. This wall mounted unit from Wayfair is 96" long.
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  • 9 years ago

    Here is a much more faded light colored one.

    mom2sulu thanked amykath
  • 9 years ago

    Me, I've been drooling over overdyed rugs, like these

    mom2sulu thanked nosoccermom
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love, love, love the first one (link) aktillery put up.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow-some more beautiful rugs to drool over. I do like the idea of the adding the warmth with the more monochromatic colors. Those over dyed rugs are beautiful as well. Thank you so much for all of them. I haven't discounted any! I am going to make hubby look through them--he will be delighted, not. :)


    Yes, a $15k rug would not be walked on. :)

  • 9 years ago

    Love the touches of blue throughout your home! I have found when working with upholstery in pale aqua, it is best to add something like pillows with a lot of different blues and greens. It automatically includes the aqua and allows you to use other blues and greens. Remember your inspiration picture with the green accents and fiddle-leaf fig? You may want to stay with paler colors, or use the blues and greens to bring your beautiful views into the room.

    Landscape art will also bring color to the room and bring it all together.

    THEN pick out the rug. ;-)

    mom2sulu thanked voila
  • 9 years ago

    Ohhhhh, THANK YOU, mom2sulu! I'm so glad you shared your pics, and I am drooling over your beautiful home! You must be so very excited to be in and making it your very own now. It's beyond lovely! I look forward to seeing how you continue to pull it all together, as it's clear you have wonderful taste! The attention to detail in the way your home's been built is evident even in photos, and I just love your classic, timeless style. Can't wait to see what you do next! :-)

    mom2sulu thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    You have my dream home


    mom2sulu thanked jpmom
  • 9 years ago

    I happen to love sisal, or a wool sisal. I have ordered from this company and am very happy. They were wonderful to deal with and very, very knowledgeable.

    mom2sulu thanked jpmom
  • 9 years ago


    You know....what you are saying is really smart! I purchased my daughter's rug before anything else and it really put me in a difficult situation. Tons of bedspreads and duvets out there but her rug was so busy that I had a tough time finding one that would coordinate with the rug. So if I decide to go with a "pattern/print" I think you are right--I should finish the other elements of the room first. Now, if I go with a sisal/natural fiber rug, it would be okay to do that first, right, because it is so neutral?

    Auntjen and jpmom--thanks! I am just glad to know that I didn't mess it up! haha! I really was trying to make this house classic and timeless, and if you think I did that, then I feel relief. :) I appreciate your kindness and thank you.

    jpmom-also thanks for the website for those rugs. I am really leaning that way I think.

  • 9 years ago

    Your new home is gorgeous. I love it. You've made such nice choices for all your finishes. I especially love your kitchen, the bookcase wall, and the pretty light fixtures. The dark sconces and chandelier against the bookcases look fantastic!

    I don't know how you feel about leather, but I think leather patchwork rugs are very pretty, and they're supposed to be very durable. I like how they have pattern, but it's subtle. I've seen them on Joss & Main for good prices.

    Bashian Langdon Area Rug, Camel, 9'x12' · More Info

    mom2sulu thanked jlc712
  • 9 years ago

    Also look at the esale "vintage" rugs.

    mom2sulu thanked nosoccermom
  • 9 years ago

    I really love all of your flooring choices! The family room flooring is bold and brave and it really works! It's unique and creative and really great, IMO.

    mom2sulu thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    Mom - the other great thing about them is that they are completely custom. I needed a 12x12 square (which you just can't find in stock rugs)

    You can also layer over it — which is what I did.

    A cowhide could look really cool - but you have to love that look.

  • 9 years ago

    I'd go for seagrass over sisal. Much more stain resistant, but make sure to use a heavy felt pad. My seagrass left pattern imprint on my HW floors :(

  • 9 years ago

    Jlc and nosoccermom--Thanks for the new rugs and extra info. That leather is really interesting. I would love to see it in person.

    Well, I pulled the trigger and have a "rug man" coming to visit tomorrow. I gave him some suggestions but he is just going to bring a few rugs out to see what I think. I will try to post some "winners" and "losers" for you. Well, let's hope there is a winner. :)

  • 9 years ago

    A rug man! What fun! Do be sure to let us know what he brings you, and if there is a winner. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks! I am not really ready to commit but DH is pushing me to get something. I still like the idea of a natural fiber rug a lot. Also, I would like to heed Voila's advice and if I do get a wool rug, I think I should pick my window treatments and pillows before the rug.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The reason to sprinkle some green and blue around the room is so that you do not have to match or fight with those beautiful chairs. It can be in small movable pieces like the blue and white porcelain on the shelves of the inspiration pic and the green garden stool. Having more than one blue, green or aqua in the room makes all blues fit in. Your home is magnificent and you are doing a great job with the pretty furnishings. A natural fiber rug would also be pretty and give you texture which is so nice with a monochromatic scheme.

  • 9 years ago

    OK, I'll play! The picture you posted was perfect for this; you have a lovely home mom2sulu. These are probably all shown much smaller than you are planning and you must consider that the pattern scale is almost certainly off.








  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    12. Pandi Sisal, Ivory (it says) - Overstock

    What are the dimensions of the space you would like to carpet?

    mom2sulu thanked oldbat2be
  • 9 years ago

    Based on old bat's mockups, I like 4, 6 and 12

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oldbat2be, You are amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I also like the ones that Tibbrix likes.

    The softer, monochromatic ones look washed out.

    As for size, the smallest I could use is 9 X 12 which actually looks really close to what you have posted. I think it might be better to go larger but then you get into price and availability. I think two of the ones we like are Pottery Barn and I think they only go up to 9 X 12--also the other wool ones that I have looked at go over my budget for the next size up. But If I choose a natural rug I can definitely go larger because they are less expensive.

    Thanks again for the mock ups--they are so helpful! :-)

  • 9 years ago

    A darker color which has some blue but more red in it would ground this group of furniture. It looks as though it's floating on everything else. A larger size would definitely be indicated to do this beautiful area justice. The pale tones wash everything out and would de-emphasize the nice fireplace and woodwork.

    mom2sulu thanked ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ingrid, you know I am leaning more your way. I had been rejecting red because my old house had so much of it and honestly I was tired of it. But I am now considering it again.

    My wonderful "rug man" :) is actually going to come by on Monday, but I did drop in and managed to pick a few for him to bring. He has so many rugs but really that blue limits my choices--here were the top contenders though. What are your thoughts? Also, dear Oldbat2be, if you have any time, would you be able to work your magic? It is sooooo helpful, but no worries if you can't. You have already helped so much! :)

    I have my favs/and non-favs, but I won't tell you which right now. I want to hear what you think. We will start with the transitionals and move into the traditionals...



  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago


    Okay, that is the last one.

    Price points are all over the place. All are still just 9 x 12. That will put them under the front leg of each sofa and to the back of the blue chairs.

    What say you?

  • 9 years ago

    I like 2 or 3, with a preference for 3. 4 is too old-fashioned for my taste. Also like 5 a lot. It's a rug that you could pass down, combine with a camel leather sofa, linen slip cover etc.

    mom2sulu thanked nosoccermom
  • 9 years ago

    1 or 3. 1 is so interesting, I think.

    mom2sulu thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    My first thought is that you have to realize the rug has to go in widthwise, i.e. so that the long end is not facing into the room. That would really ruin the whole look. I would go for a less expensive rug that is large enough rather than a better but smaller one that will always look wrong to you.

    My first instinct was to say no. 5, but if you're going more towards the transitional it would be too conservative. You need a larger, more open pattern, like one of the blue rugs, but it has to have enough red in it so that it doesn't look so washed out and cool. Any of the first three would be more transitional but there need to be some warm colors in it. If not red, then a warm green or terracotta. Most decorators will choose a great rug first and then pick out colors from it for drapes, seat covers, soft furnishings of any kind. I think you also desperately need some art over the mantel, a small jewel of a painting that hopefully will also have some of the colors of the rug. Great art doesn't have to match your carpet, but if it happens that is not a bad thing.

    If a large wool rug is out of your budget, I would go with something that is 20% wool and 80% nylon, but I think the larger size will make or break this area. Too small looks stingy and awkward. Sorry, I don't mean to sound as though I know it all, but I'd love to have this look perfect for you.

    mom2sulu thanked ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    #4 is fabulous! I understand being tired of red - I had a lot of it in my previous home too - but the color combo in that rug is simply smashing. That soft aqua with the big pop of red? I LOVE it.

    mom2sulu thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    Your inspiration pictures have very large natural sisal/sea grass rugs with other rugs on top. I wonder if that look will be passé or not? The soft colors look nice in your space.

    mom2sulu thanked voila
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is so funny. Well, it looks like we are all over the board here. :)

    The only rug that didn't receive any votes is #2, I think. I am also really considering Ingrid's suggestion of a larger rug. I have to get those dimensions right.

    Voila, that rug you suggested is gorgeous, but I am sure with it being wool and silk it is at least $5K+. That seems to be what they are running.

    Tomorrow afternoon I am going to measure the great room and hopefully you can help me map out the size I need. My "rug guy" said 9 x 12, but we are wondering if that is because he just wanted to keep his rugs in our price point.

    Thanks for your ideas. I will be back tomorrow. :)

  • 9 years ago

    I think OBtobe # 4 & 8 look beautiful.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    voila - I really like that one!!


    mom2sulu thanked oldbat2be
  • 9 years ago

    This has been a fun thread to check in on. Moms2lulu - your home is gorgeous. And I adore this room. I do like that rug above. But there are so many nice ones in this thread. It's a big investment, and not something that you will change out for a long time.

    And to have a "rug man"… jealous!

    mom2sulu thanked jpmom
  • 9 years ago

    This last one is nice, but with a limited palette of colors, and without warm tones, it limits you to cool colors for drapes, pillows etc. A few warm tones will open up the spectrum of colors you can use. It looks so much better when rug is placed cross wise.

    mom2sulu thanked ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
  • 9 years ago

    Oldbat2be, Thank you for photoshopping that rug. It is gorgeous and surely out of my price range. :)

    jpmom-Yes, this is a fun thread. So many combinations! I really shouldn't say I have a "rug man." He is the owner of a local Persian rug store, and he really said we need to bring his items into our house to see what we like. As nice as that is, it makes me feel awfully obligated to purchase from him and I am not sure I am ready to commit. Rugs are so expensive and I want to get it right and not be rushed.

    Okay, so we have been looking at 9 x12's. As I mentioned earlier that will place the rug under the front feet of the couches and extend it lengthwise to include both blue chairs. However, Ingrid is saying it should go the other way--horizontal to the fireplace.

    The measurements from the back of the couches is approx. 13'. To also include to the blue chairs would be another 12'. The next size up though is 10x13 or 10x14. That would not have the rug to the back of the blue chairs but would go just to their front legs. So what size and position (horizontal/vertical) would you do?

  • 9 years ago

    Two off-topic questions, if I may. What is your kitchen countertop material? And what are the color of your walls. (it appears consistent throughout, but I'm looking at your great room)

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Jpmom! :)

    The perimeter tops are soapstone, and the great room is Revere Pewter.

  • 9 years ago

    I thought that was soapstone. :) Love it.

    mom2sulu thanked jpmom
  • 9 years ago

    Are some of these rugs available online? I need a 9x12 and am looking for something more muted (with blues and creams)

  • 9 years ago

    If you look at the rugs, especially the Orientals, that have been placed lengthwise, I think you can see how odd that looks, as though the rug were trying to run away. Then look further down where it's horizontal, and I think you can tell the difference. However, I wouldn't just rely on my judgment. Try is both ways yourself and see what you think.

  • 9 years ago

    I googled rug placement and most of them in front of fireplaces are placed widthwise, but the furniture was usually placed differently so that the couch was facing the long side of the rug. In your room that's not the case so you might have to put it lengthwise, assuming it's wide enough that at least the front part of both couches will be covering a bit of the rug. I'll be interested to see how that works for you. The rule used to be that the most important piece of furniture should face the fireplace, i.e. the couch, but I've seen many examples now where that is no longer true.

  • 9 years ago

    What happens when you get tired with the blue chairs? Would that make a difference with your rug choice colors?

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    You make some very good points. I think I will just have to play with the rugs. Your comment regarding the "rug running away" made me smile. Yes, some of those rugs do look like they are doing that.

    Swickbb, yeah, one day I will be tired of those chairs. I guess that puts a point over in the "traditional" rug category because if I go with something with lots of colors, then perhaps I could pull one of those out?

    A final point for the traditional rugs would be that they keep their value and you can trade them back in.

  • 9 years ago

    When will you be getting the rugs? I was hoping it would be soon so we can see how the different ones look on your floor. I'm hoping you will pick a larger, rather open design rather than a denser, smaller pattern. It will look less busy and I think you won't tire of it as easily.

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