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what a difference a couple weeks makes

I found this ponderosa lemon on the discount rack at the local garden store. It was potted in peat and suffering from lack of light. I had an extra $10 and decided to gamble on bringing it back to health.

Potted it up into a gritty mix and new pot. I'm lucky enough to work in the plant sciences and had some extra space in one of our growth chambers. It's growing under LED lights. Intensity is between 600-700 micromoles m-2 s-1. Day temp is 24C. Night is 18C. I'm watering every 3 days or so. Foliage pro (1.4mL per quart) every time.

The plant has responded really well. It pushed out a ton of new leaves and buds. Right now, I'm debating on whether I should remove the flowers to maximize growth.

A couple days after buying. Repotted and under the LEDs.

About a week after buying. You can see some new growth.

Two weeks after purchase. New leaves are expanding nicely.

Today, about 3 weeks after buying. Blooming and smells great,

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