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Two tomatoes one is dark green the other isn't?

I have two Red Robin tomato plants in identical 2 gallon pots, the same soil-less MG mixture. They are 12+ weeks old. They have the same lighting, sunny windows with cfl grow lights on for 18 hours a day.

The only difference between them is I have some kale planted in with one of them. The kale was up and growing a month before I transplanted the tomato into the pot.

The plant with the kale is dark green and the one that has nothing growing with it is healthy but not nearly as dark green. It is so pale that I'm kinda worried.

I have noticed that when I water them, the one with the kale retains more water. It kind of flushes through the other one.

Kale is supposed to be a bad companion plant for tomatoes from what I have read.

I don't have any bug problems on either one since it is in my house.

Any ideas?

I'm going to do a no no and cross post in growing tomatoes, I'm just posting here because it has more activity.

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