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It’s Happening!

It’s Happening!

December 21st is very possibly my most favoritest day of the
whole year!!! I really, really “dislike”
it when the days are so short, and now they’re gonna start getting longer
again! Three Cheers for the Winter

I know it won’t be noticeable for a little while, but at
least my HEAD will know that they’re getting longer again! Sunrise/sunset here in Denver today is
0717/1638. A week from today it’ll be
0720/1642, so we will already have gained SEVEN minutes of daylight! And it just keeps getting better from then

Three Cheers for the Winter Solstice—or did I say that

If anyone wants to check out the change for their town, this
is the best sunrise/sunset calculator I’ve found online. [This site has the whole world!
Go to the drop down menu under "calendar" to go to Canada, or
anywhere else!]

Now we have a whole six months of the days getting longer to
look forward to!

And something I might not have noticed if Barb hadn’t
brought it to my attention! There will
be a full moon on Christmas Day this year!
We could possibly get a little bit of new snow here on the Front Range
on Christmas Day! “The moon on the crest
of the new-fallen snow…”

Happy Winter Solstice everyone,


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