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Cryptomeria Japonica bonsai light requirement

9 years ago

Hi everybody!

I am new to the forum and to the art of bonsai.

I have some 225 seeds harvested from 4 Cryptomeria Japonica (Japanese Cedar) cones and I am looking forward to sowing them in February/March!

Now, as mentioned, I am a complete newbie and I am trying to build some basic knowledge on the topic. So far, I collected fairly good info as to how pre-treat seeds and sow them.

However, I'm concerned my place might not be suitable for growing such a kind of bonsai: I live in London, and was planning to place a cold frame on my balcony, which faces north.

Has anyone had any experiences with this kind of bonsai and would be able to give me some insights into how much light is actually needed? In summer, the eastern sun is fairly powerful, but the plants wouldn't be directly exposed. On the other side, winter days are fairly short.

I really want to grow these seeds, and would really appreciate any suggestions that you could provide.

Thanks! :)

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