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Most successful try at Live oak in zone 6 Pa

9 years ago

Here is the new page of the Live oak in Pa saga. btw, jOE HERE ARE SOME NEW PICS. q.m.l.o. #1

Comments (488)

  • 8 years ago

    The place is in Lancaster PA..so very south and very east

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Mike, interesting but I would be highly surprised if the plant they have is a Fusi..make sure before you buy it..get photos of the leaves.

    I would like to know where in Texas they came from

    its gonativetrees.com and they are 24" high specimens

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    I never saw the above tree, and you mentioning it before. From what you mentioned, and I agree with, it seems our trees are of similar seed source. They mentioned (Mossy oaks) for Texans to take notice. I looked at my biggest of the 2 nicest late drops and the wood seems like it isn't limp and tender on either. I guess I should quit blabbering about it and see how it does in time, maybe adding an update in January, maybe the 15th of Jan. I want to thank David for the article. I got baby trees from one or 2 of those Virginia located Q. Virginiana before I tried the late drop L.O. They survived until around January or around-abouts then. My friends yard with the Late drop looks sad. Either the leaves are gone from wind, or beasts chopped them down. I never protected them. Yesterday I went to her yard but didn't know I would be beforehand, and brought no protection. It was dark so I could only say the headlights showed no leaves. My yellow leaved from the same batch late drops have their yellow leaves though. I will try 2 more in her yard in spring, if the present ones are dead. I will have to bring protection at planting time. I will start a new thread, or any repliers can. David I love the pics in your post, a couple trees were on the Virginia big tree website, but they were small pics. Those of the multiple trees (groves) aren't on the V big trees at all. They look healthier without the moss draped, but the moss in just some lower areas is nice. I recently saw a bigger pic of the champion Compton's oak, and am glad I have 3 of them, the pic someone posted shows the branching pattern, and it is really great.
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    Comments (6)
    Thanks for the replies, everyone. I should have included a bit of back information that would better give orientation about my overall objectives. This first year or two, my main objective is to define the borders of the porch for my two large dogs. Until now, we had a pad and grass up to the pad (pad is the same pre- and post- porch construction) and they could exit the pad anywhere. Now, I want them to get used to exiting the pad onto the sidewalk in the center, because elsewhere will now be beds (and mud and mess and plants to be stomped). That's why I've bombed the front with the cinnamon ferns, to make a sort of visual railing while the dogs re-learn their exit, and while the beds age in with better soil and I get some other plants going (hostas, etc.). For the first year or two. It will be no problem to move the ferns around the corner when that time comes. I've always wanted a mass of ferns on this eastern facing side: My second objective is to create a streamlined mow line. The grass is maintained with a 60 inch deck mower so whatever bed edge I develop needs to allow the mower to move along it easily (I guess rather than undulating what I was trying to get to was smooth curves rather than corners, for mowing purposes). Third objective is LEAST maintenance from a hand weeding perspective. I know it won't be zero, but I'd like to have it controllable without being consuming. Fourth objective is "pretty." I'm not bothered with "curb appeal" in general as the only viewers are anyone coming up the driveway; this is not seen from the street. Eventually, I would like to grow and develop in a pretty foundation border. I got the ferns cheap and they will help my first objective. As I can, I will add more plants and soil amendments, so that is what I'm asking for - where do I EVENTUALLY want to go with this, etc. I appreciate all your inputs! Please add as you have thoughts!
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  • 8 years ago

    Yeah those people there name was escapeing me. Have you seen there trees? Are they infact fusi?

  • 8 years ago

    I'm butting in here guys, is gonativestrees.com anursery that you know of joe? Or is this the name of who Miketropic was thinking of? I guess a websearch could answer that for me. I am as far south in Pa as possible, all but about 8-10 miles, it's the being over to the west part that is against me. Lancaster is 7 counties west of me. They are 3-4 counties from the ocean. The us hardiness zone map still has them in zone 6 maybe 6b. But, they may not get any 6a usually, but, I'll bet there are occasional times it happens.

  • 8 years ago

    Okay, you can access the info by clicking on the web address and it is a Fusi 12-24" for $20 a gal 24-36" 4 gal pot $40. There's order info available to click on. You likely know all this already, but, if not i'm saying so for you. I'm thinking if they still have them in a few months I'll go and pick up a larger 4 gallon 1, unless shipping + cost isn't to bad. I wish I could see them. Or maybe Joe, the way I got the first one from you, you give me a total and I'll see what's cheaper, if I get price + shipping from both, well, shipping within state should be the winner. I'll try and figure the Pa source info. Later guys.

  • 8 years ago

    Well then go gas up the car and let us know what there stock looks like..7 countys is nothing

  • 8 years ago

    I would love to mike, but, my mom has a cast on her foot, and to add insult to injury, she fell in the bathroom and hurt her arm, if it is still hurting next week she'll be getting that checked on. She had reconstructive surgery on her foot. She had to have her foot bones rearranged, she had degenarative bone disease, so they fixed it, so they put the cast on after the surgery etc, etc I have to help her with her personal hygeine. And besides, I will want to have someone with me in case I need help driving. I want to see how many miles it is. I had help driving to Williamsburg, Va. I hope to have help driving to Lancaster, Pa, unless it is much less of a drive than to Williamsburg, Va, which I doubt it will be much less than. I will check out the route and all that. Maybe it'll be a breeze to get there, but, I am thinking it will likely be a pretty involved process, I remember there being toll roads in the past. My parents took us there when I was about 9 yrs old. I am sure those damn toll roads are still there. When my friend and I went to Williamsburg, Va there weren't any toll roads!

    That was wonderful. But, they are likely on the route to Lancaster, Pa.

  • 8 years ago

    Hey Joe and anyone else reading this we're having another brief shot of spring, today was in the 50'sF and it's in the 40'sF now at 11:30PM. Tommorrow it'll be in the 60'sF in the day, it's supposed to rain, then I think it will get progressively colder, at some point in the teens. I am not sure how long all the cold will be around until the next warm-up. Miketropic, have you asked or emailed the nursery in Pa about the source of the Fusi's? If not, I can try. When I went to Virginia in Oct, it took about 8 hours to get there, that was to Williamsburg, Va. It should take somewhere's about the same....maybe. I haven't figured the miles out at all, but, the Va, trip was straight through driving, minimum traffic, no toll roads, only a couple stops. Well, in the beginning we had to charge my friends tablet for the directions, so we could've made it in about 7 maybe. but, 8 is about right with a couple bathroom stops. Anyway, I'll check out the mapquest. Later.

  • 8 years ago

    I did email them but havn't heard back yet will let you know when I do.

  • 8 years ago

    Poaky and Mike, yes they say Fusi, but where did they come from?

    Fusi is really only found in central, northern Texas, Oklahoma and maybe east central and SW Arkansas.

    so I'm very curious.

    yep we have been having 60's and 70's here last 2 weeks in SW Missouri

  • 8 years ago

    I did get a reply. They said the trees are sourced from oklahoma from a conservation officer. They said the trees are a solid zone 7 and a zone 6 with little protection or a south aide planting. I believe i just might give one a try

  • 8 years ago

    Great to know guys. My Fusi from Joe, the tall one has some brown leaves on it now. We had a night of a low temp that I am not sure of. There were a few things going on here, and I didn't think to plug the tree in. Cat needed surgery, my brother got hit in his car, and the people just kept driving. Good thing other drivers got the plate #. We had icey roads and cold for a day and a half, It wasn't a super cold really, likely 19F or like that. So the tall Fusi has some brown leaves, not all of them, but noticably some of them. Darn puppy dragged the cord all over the yard. I have the cord ready if needed now, I wrapped it around at both points of origin so his little arse can't just drag it off and away. I'm hoping that any extremes are over but, that's not likely. But, okay, today was Saturday and it is now Sat evening at 9 PM here, and it was 55F today. I went for a walk in a t-shirt, and tommorrow will be 60F. It is forecasted to be 60F. So likely will be. I don't know about Monday and further. I have my baby palms out again on the deck. Anyways, I am hoping to get 1 of those Fusi's, but, I guess, I haven't really gotten it proven that I can really grow a Q. Fusi in zone 6 in a harsher winter here in Pa, so not sure I should just go and get another. Ever since Joe has sent me my big Fusi, these 1 1/2 winters have been mild. Once my Fusi is too tall for lights, it may die in a harsh winter. Joe in your educated guesstimate, would I be jumping to fast to get another Fusi soon? I'll be putting lights on until I can't reach the top anymore with a stable ladder.

  • 8 years ago

    BTW, thanks for the update Mike. I don't suppose you have any shipping details? I guess yours would be different. My mom will be in a cast for at least another month or more, and it's best to wait for snow season to be done with. I'll have to check all that out. If you have numbers for yourself, can you mention them, so I know a ball park? Your in Kentucky if I remember, and I likely don't remember right at all. Later guys.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Poaky, your Quartz Mtn will be fine...it is dormant the leaves turning brown really don't mean anything ..the tree can defoliate in very cold years and be fine in the spring. Your variety is the most cold tolerant possible.

    the more years it establishes itself the better it will withstand cold winters -11 to-15 should be well within its ability to withstand

    we were 80 today in SW Missouri

  • 8 years ago

    I know it's okay Joe, but, i'm wondering if I should go and try to get another Fusi in Lancaster, Pa. The 4 gallon pot for $40.00? Especially if the potted Fusi doesn't make it. It still could, but, who knows? I am not sure when we'll be getting back to winter, but we will be warm until Sunday afternoon, then, who knows, until I check the forecast.

  • 8 years ago

    Life has been busy so I have not been posting. I have bought plants from gonativetrees.com nursery near Lancaster before, it's just under an hour from my SE PA home. I got in touch with them again recently and paid a visit. They have about 50 two- to three-foot trees labeled "Texas Live Oak" in deep pots right now, plus a handful of slightly bigger ones three to four feet tall. Everything is still tucked away in the dark, cold storage barn or in the unheated basement of the old house, but the owner let me in on a cold Friday to buy one mid-size tree to keep covered with a sheet in my cold (but south-facing) greenhouse until it can be planted later. I chose a smaller tree cuz the leaves were more green on that one compared with the rest. Cost me $30 plus tax. There is a new 2017 price list posted on the website, the 4 gals are listed at $30, so I guess that's what I got, though it looks a little smaller.

    I still have my 14" QMLO purchased in Spring 2016 doing well outside. I put a black plastic trash basket with the bottom removed around it for wind protection, plus Christmas lights inside. A few leaves a little discolored, maybe from light bulbs touching them, but lots of green still. I am optimistic!

  • 8 years ago

    I will inquire about shipping tomm and see what they say.

  • 8 years ago

    I did get a reply on shipping. 25 bucks down here to me in ky for the larger 4 gallons which i feel is pretty resonable so thats give you and idea to go by poaky. Might order mine in a month or so a little closer to planting time

  • 8 years ago

    Thanks Mike, I'll likely get mine shipped to me then, it should be cheap.

  • 8 years ago

    I am just giving a weather update. After some seasonably cold weather, 20'sF and 30'sF this weekend we'll be in the 60'sF and 40'sF at night again, and then back down some after Monday. I have my big Live oak lights plugged in now, it's windy and 32F. It may not NEED it, but, in the AM it's supposed to be a 10F wind chill advisory. So, I think it's best to help it out now anyway. Strange weather here, but, I am happy for these warm spells. It helps prevent the winter blues, or cabin fever etc. Must almost be like living a bit further south. Later.

  • 8 years ago

    BTW, Mike I just emailed the nursery, I don't want to wait to order the L.O. I'll never find one again that close again at 4 ft. I got lucky when joe sent me the one I have, and yes, thanks again Joe. The tree you sent me would have been on my "obtainium" list forever, if I would've never got a nicely sized one to try.

  • 8 years ago

    Welcome Poaky, interested to see how those nursery live oaks work out.

  • 8 years ago

    Me too, I specified the 4 gallon size and 48". I mentioned someone from Kentucky had told me about them, I didn't get any more specific. I look forward to an answer soon. I guess I'll use the ole credit card if I need to, I don't want to miss out on a good sized one like that. Well, they would'nt be taking cash anyway, so it would be the credit card anyway. I have a Rhodie in a 3 gallon pot that is doing fine. It has a coir mulch mat on top though. I think the 4 gallon pot L.O. will be fine until spring to be planted. I'm going to plant it where one of my Compton's oaks is right now. The Live oak X Overcup oak hybrid is the Compton's oak. It is going to get too huge for where I planted it anyway. I never really knew how huge the Compton's gets until I saw the champ in Williamsburg,Va. And the place the new Q.Fusi will go is near a plug. I know Q.Fusi's get about 80'-90' wide and about 50'-60' high, many years after planting. That Compton's was at least 20 ft wider, if I recall correctly. And grew pretty fast I believe. Later guys.

  • 7 years ago

    Well, they sent me the info via email and 24" is the biggest they say they have. I'll have to ask if that's all the biggest they'll ship, or all the biggest they have when I call them. It's too late in the day now here. It will be 57.00 dollars ( rounded off ) for it. $30 for the tree, 27 for shipping. I am not so sure a 2ft tall Fusi is worth that. I'll try and get more info. I have to look at that order info again. I thought the 2 footer was a 2 gallon. I won't get a 4gallon tree that is 2 ft tall. I may get it if it's 3 ft tall. I don't want to pay for a big thing of dirt. I took pics of both L.O's. I'll get them posted soon.

  • 7 years ago

    There's a nice sized weed in with the little Fusi. I should repot it. It looks dead. I should've gotten in closer.

  • 7 years ago

    Hopefully it resprouts Poaky, once those roots freeze it's not good. No potted fusi's will ever survive in your neck of the woods.

    my live oaks already sprouting ...way too early. Hopefully we don't get a big cold air mass

  • 7 years ago

    Would have been better to heel that fusi in some random place in the yard i would say. Things are moving along here as well but a mass of very cold air this weekend..lows around 19 or 20 for a few days..have to cover everything back up

  • 7 years ago

    I think that the potted Fusi pictured above is a goner. It may come up from the roots. The Cicadas made the trunk hollow and dried out dead twigs. I need to remove it from the pot, and remove the dead upper wood and repot it in a pot with smaller drainage holes. The pot it's in had a tree in it once and alot of the soil came out when it was watered. We are going to be having 20's F and teens at night coming up. Yep, after 60'sF and 50'sF this last couple days. And many days here and there throughout winter...... I can just plug in the bigger Fusi, it hasn't shown any signs of bud swell or dormancy break at all, thank god. I think it knows better than to be fooled by some 60'sF here and there. I have been meaning to call the nursery Miketropic and I spoke of above in Lancaster about the Fusi's, but, I keep coming home after they are closed, or relaxing from the day after they are closed, and would rather talk live and see if they have seedlings closer to 3-4 ft than 2 ft. I can get a 2 ft Fusi easier than a 3-4 ft one. I have bought a raised bed 4X4 raised bed (cedar) planter. and I plan on putting a potted Fusi, hopefully the one from you joe, if it comes back from the soil, and if I only get a wimpy one from Lancaster, both of them in their pots, sunk into this raised bed, the soil depth will be about 10 inches (rounded off) and I'll make a clear plastic cover for on top in winter. I will use PVC pipe to make a skeleton, or frame, and plastic greenhouse film. I can put it in the same general area as the bigger Fusi tree, and put lights in with it in winter. I'm pretty confident that the Fusi in the pot will come up from the roots, but..... being potted, you may be right. I bought the raised bed to grow veggies in, and you used to be able to purchase it, and get a cover free. They don't offer it anymore, but, I knew it would be great for a potted Fusi to bury the pot and make a cover, and cheap frame. I bought the cheaper one with the bottom exposed ( the bed) if I would've spent $100.00 more it would've had the wood down all the way to the ground, mine has about 2 -3 ft exposed underneath, and in winter the wind can blow under there, I will need to find a way to block the cold during winter. I really should've forked out the extra dough, but maybe I can find something cheap to do the job. What I bought is the "Gardeners Supply 4X4 raised bed planter (cedar)" mine was the one on legs, about 250$. The one down to the ground was about $350- ish. Anyhow, I wanna ask Joe, the one you sent me in the first place, it is about 4 ft. Instead of me pissin around with a tree in Lancaster that may be only 2 ft. What if you send me one from where my nice large one I have now came from? I will give you all the money you need to cover the costs for that nice sized tree you sent. I will just need to dig up the Compton's oak I've planted in the place where the live oak is supposed to be. I know that sounds strange. I do need to remove the Comptons oak, it's too close to the house. I feel a Fusi would fit there great. Later Joe.

  • 7 years ago

    Probably Poaky..probably sometime in May would be best

  • 7 years ago

    Okay, I'll ask the Lancaster folks if they have a 3 footer first, I'll just email them. It's 8PM here already. I don't want to bother you if I don't have to. But if they say just 2 ft and less, and you are fine with sending a 4 ft or more, great. I found a home for my 2 Compton's oaks that are too close to 1) the house 2) another tree. My BFF is gonna take them. Her hubby is happy to have some (oaks) "real trees", she has Weeping willows, tree Wisterias etc. If I get some Southern Mags from the seeds I collected from Williamsburg, Va I'll be giving her 1 of those, you also Joe. Anyhoo, I'm gonna email the Lancaster people, I'll tell you if they have the 3 footers at least. I kinda don't want to have to bother you, ya know?

  • 7 years ago

    Poaky, ok...btw..how is your weather

  • 7 years ago

    Oh yeah, I meant to mention that earlier. We were supposed to get down to the teens over the weekend, and we did go down into the 20's F and 30's F. It is now 37 F at 12:22 AM east time. We are due for snow I've heard from people today, I don't know how much. I've had the bigger Fusi plugged in, but, I don't think we've had anything near the teens, I'm just going to leave it plugged in and check the weather online and tomorrow on the local forecast. Well, if when I check tonight it says it will be above freezing, I will unplug. Maybe not, if snow is coming, the temps may be colder. Hell, I'll just leave the tree lit up, if it is over 35F in the daytime, I'll unplug the tree, and check the temps at night. This crap should be over with in a month or 2, at least I hope so.

  • 7 years ago

    Okay Joe in mo, quick check on my weather Tuesday night is forecasted as 16 F and Wednesday is forecasted as 17 F. So I guess I MAY be needing those lights on BIG TIME.

  • 7 years ago

    Well, we got down to below freezing last week for a nite, no major damage few blooms on the peach trees got hit but mainly good to go.

    here is a pic of my Texas Fusi...already budding, nothing from the Quartz Mtn Fusi's yet..I expect in another week or 2.

    We had some powerful thunderstorms with 50mph winds come through here a couple times, so it blew a lot of the old Fusi leaves off.

  • 7 years ago

    Hey Joe, we had a night or 2 of teens here last week, and before that some low 20'sF. Lately it's been nice and warm here. I did plug the tree in when we had that cold spell last week for the night or 2. I kept it plugged in 2 nights, even if it was warm the next night. Anyways, my Big Live oak is not budding out yet. The Lancaster nursery hasn't updated me on the Fusi as of the fact if the seedlings being possibly close to 4ft tall for those you can pick up in person. They were supposed to. I'll email them again. So Joe, is this budding out now a good thing for you in your yard? Being 6b-7a, I'm guessing it may be a bit worrying? Hope you can protect it if it is too soon. Okay, I have yet to check my forecast, so, I'm clueless on what is ahead of me. Later.

  • 7 years ago

    Hi Poaky,

    March is fine for some trees to bud here, but not Fusi...too early.

    Once we get to April I will feel better, as long as it's not full blown leaf out before the first full week of April ..should be fine

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Hey Joe, I still need to email Lancaster, but, my big Fusi has slightly bigger buds than in winter. I wanted to take a pic, but, keep forgetting. The buds are just a bit bigger than when fully dormant, not any green showing yet though. I'm not taking the lights off yet though, who knows what surprise may come blasting through here yet. The little potted one is not alive on top, so the roots will show what the verdict is. Later Joe. Kyle, how's the Fusi from me? Or was it a "late drop"?

  • 7 years ago

    Poaky, ok on Lancaster.

    after this first week of April, I'll feel better.

    my Quartz Mtn have barely just started to break a couple buds.

  • 7 years ago

    Joe, finally heard from Lancaster 30" is tops from their stock. One of them seemed to think there were larger ones in the back of their greenhouse etc, so either nobody really checked or they really don't have any bigger. As far as you getting me a 4 footer or larger from OK, I would love that, and pay you for your cost and trouble, but, if it is something you don't want to do, of course just tell me, and I'll get a small one, maybe an Oklahoma nursery will ship to Pa somewhere. Or I'll just get the 30" from Lancaster, they didn't tell me how fat the trunk was, pencil or mop handle, in between would be what I would expect. I guess having 1 Live oak is good, better than none, and we could get a winter next winter that just destroys the Fusi, even with lights on. I did remove the tree that was growing where I want the next Fusi to be, just in case I get another 1. And the potted Fusi may come back from the roots, but, I will have to keep it protected for it to keep any top growth. WEll, I will get a pic of my Fusi's bud progress soon. I haven't looked lately. I don't know how your weather is in Missourri, it's mainly mild here, some 40's came last weekend 1 night/day, 60's today, 58 now. I hope your Fusi is fine, should be, but, I haven't watched any weather lately, I know that the SW had high winds a day or so ago, that should mean mild air for you? I'm clueless, just guessing....maybe that stuff blew up at us here in Pa, it was windy today. I'm gonna go now Joe. Hope your trees are doing good, and you don't get any cold snaps. I hope mine holds out too, it very well could be starting to break bud and I haven't looked, way too early here for that. Later.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago


    my texas Fusi's are all leafing out, my Quartz Mtn Fusi's are just barely beginning to break bud...and that's why they are more cold hardy..they know that Oklahoma can be 80 degrees one day and have a late frost in April ..so this protects them from early leaf out. Your tree is a Quartz Mtn so I don't expect bud break until later in April. I don't have any more Quartz Mtn trees to ship you ..I actually purchased yours from Sunshine Nursery west of Oklahoma City which is a good 4 hours from me. I do usually get to OKC in the spring but not sure when, Tulsa is about 2 hours from me but they don't have any Nurseries that have those Quartz Mountain specimens.

    All the plants that I have are far North Texas Fusi..that I grew from Acorn.

    i do have some very small Quartz Mtn plants that I grew from acorns from the Quartz Mtn trees I have in my yard..but they are only 2 years old

  • 7 years ago

    Okay well, what I mean is if you do go to Sunshine Nursery this year, and don't mind can you get me a 4 footer? If so, can you send it to me? That is, if you don't think it is a pain in the butt.... which I imagine it just may be. You sent me the 1 I have, and I am very appreciative. This time I will pay for all the costs and a bit more. But, it is really alot to ask, I know. Just tell me if you don't want to be bothered, I know not everybody has time for helping everybody with everything. I'll get that pic soon, dark when I got home again. Later

  • 7 years ago

    BTW, I saw Sunshine nurseries Youtube video. They have some very big QMLO trees in their nurseries. I wish I could drive to their nursery. I really could kinda, but can't. I don't have a smart phone, I need someone with a smart phone or could use a GPS device. Nobody could fill that slot, so I'm SOL. I got to go to Williamsburg, Va because my friend quit her job, not gonna happen this time. My mom had to go and get a puppy or my brother could take care of the 2 older girl dogs. I'm an adult but scared to go alone that far. It's hard to find a way to directly contact them by email. I can still try.

  • 7 years ago

    I did find a Facebook page and there's a phone number, but, my Facebook account isn't updated. There appears to be a possible maybe email address, but I think I need to have my Facebook profile in updated order and all that etc. They apparently don't have a functuning website, which is puzzling. If you look it up, the Sunshine nursery web address is up for sale, it's strange. They seem to have many plants that have been grown with the climate they are in in mind, why they are making it so hard for their plants to be purchased by outsiders could be they want to keep it local, but, really, it's just rediculous. They have QMLO's that are 6-7 ft tall in these videos which were likely filmed years ago. I wish I could pick one up myself, but, I can't even email them to ask about 1. I would have to call them and pay long distance charges. I don't want to log into facebook to be able to talk about them either, but, I may have to tommorrow. I don't remember my passwords etc, though.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Poaky, here is Sunshine Nursery phone number


    they are in CLINTON, OK

    yes I think they let their website go or maybe changed it to just Facebook.

    yes if I head to OKC I will get you one.

    BTW if you have a cellphone it's probably free long distance.

    I'm planting milkweed for Monarch butterflies today, yes they have some very cool trees there, many probably will grow in your zone.

  • 7 years ago

    Hey Joe, I realize I can't go and get 1, so if you happen to go out there and don't mind getting me 1, and sending it to me, I will be thrilled to death. I'll leave a spot for it. If you can't and/or don't want to it's your call. I know when you sent 1 the first time you were being very nice, more than anybody would be. I'm sure you were a bit curious as to the hardiness in zone 6 Pa etc, but, damn nice anyways. And I will pay you generously. Had to cut grass today, still not done. It was over a foot tall in the wetter areas, I had to go ultra slow. tommorrow will be day number 3 cutting it. At least the grass is not as thick and tall so I can go faster. There is so much to do now, and the weather is right to do it 77F today, 67F now at 9:43 PM. I am determined to get that darned picture tommorrow. My Dawn Redwood is starting to leaf out, and my dads apple trees, they bloomed and leaves are coming out. Well, later Joe.

  • 7 years ago

    Here is the QMLO seedling I healed in over winter. repotted it the other day and its about to break bud I would say. If it does well again I may just have to go out and get a big one from OK

  • 7 years ago

    Hey Joe, I did get the pic finally, it's 2:05 AM now though, I have been going through my emails, I can't seem to find my camera. I know I took about pics, when I find the camera I'll post the pics, but, anyhow, the QMLO is actually budding up now and most of my other trees aren't. The weather here is the reason why. We've been having pretty much warm weather for most of the last 3 weeks with an occasional cold spell that lasted a day or 2 maybe 3 days at most, so a southern tree could get confused and think it could bud out, we've had a consistent 3 weeks of mostly warmth and only maybe 1 night a week of cold, not enough cold to make a QMLO think it had to worry at all about relaxing and pushing out some new growth. I should say though, the buds are just a bit swollen, not ready to start growth yet. As soon as I find the camera I'll show you the bed swell. It is pretty much like your pics Joe. I have about 3 pics. At first I thought my camera was broke, but, I had to charge the battery. Anyway, I'll get the pics to you within the next couple days, okay? I saw a old leader that I will replace that the Cicadas killed. No big deal. Okay later.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Looks good Poaky, did your potted Fusi come back?

    if I'm out that way in OKC, I will definitely get you one.

    I have full leaf out on all my live oaks.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Poaky and everyone I'm going to create a new post called Quartz Mountain & Northern Quercus Fusiformis Live Oaks...this post is getting too big

  • 7 years ago

    Okay, I'll look for it. BTW, I took pic of my QMLO and the swollen buds, but I am a bit drunk and can't remember how to post the pics. And since I took those pics on Thursday the buds have increased quite a bit. My weather forecast has shown that for the next week that we will be warm April 18th to the 24th nothing below the 50'sF. I am just worrying knowing that my area is known for having cold blasts in May just when you think that the cold is over with, yeah, people go and plant their tomatoes and then the bastard cold comes in and people have to stay up and water them before the sun hits them if they've already planted them. As far as the QMLO, there are more buds that have swollen, but the leaves haven't come out yet. I will try once more. Well, I have got the QMLO pics to come out above. I hope the pics can be enlarged, I was able to enlarge them before I put them in this post, but not now, with them above this post. I hope you can enlarge them, if not, you can';t see the buds at all. Let me know if you can't enlarge them Joe. I'll try and see the new Post/thread. Later.