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Going into the Tote Business! Take my poll please!

9 years ago

I'm a graphic designer and I have a friend with a screen printing press. Our idea is to sell printed reusable grocery shopping totes. Maybe on Etsy.

My preferred shopping tote is roomy with a flat bottom. I have one that I measured and think it's the perfect size: 14x15x8. I also prefer washable. And cute.

I'm thinking: the above size, natural cotton/canvas with a one color print (mainly black). The designs can be endless and we can have the operation set up for print-on-demand.

So those are my ideas, but what do you like?

Your preferred size?

Washable cotton or a polypropylene material?

Would organic/recycled sway you to purchase or would you pay extra?

How much would you pay plus shipping? $15 each? $20 each?

Are you thinking, "Cool idea." Or, "Are you crazy, I just use an old pillowcase!"

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