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Mystery pump electric cord damage

9 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I am a total newbie on garden pond. Have been a proud natural pond owner for a month now.

Today, I discovered something strange on my pump electric cord that is laying under the water.

I have been using the FP-1750 ProEco Filter Pump for about a month now with happy results.

However, I discovered these strange wear marks on my pump electric cord, it is not located where there could be any abrasion, so I am curious is this is due to UV ray damage, which is strange for just one month, or if there is any other cause that you are aware of from previous experience.

Can it be the fishes or snails are chewing through the rubber? I was expecting this type of product to be able to withstand any pond condition… please help.

Please review the photos attached of the electric cord in question. Thank you all in advance.

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